Dividend Stock Screeners & Dividend Stock Directories

Welcome, dividend investor!

We created DividendInvestor.com to give our readers the right tools for maximizing their dividend income portfolios.

Among our proprietary dividend tools are 9 specific directories and 2 customizable dividend stock screeners…

…All of which combine to help you find the best dividend paying stocks and investments in today’s markets — all in one place.

Here’s a preview of our dividend directories and “build your own” dividend stock screener tools.

Dividend Screeners

  • Dividend Screener – With our Dividend Screener tool, you can target top dividend paying stocks, based on your own criteria. Filter any dividend stock and investment based on industry, dividend yield, dividend growth, the percentage held by institutions, and 8 other customizable factors… and download the results on your computer.
  • 52 Week High/ Low Screener – Here you can filter dividend paying stocks based on how close yesterday’s closing share price is to the stocks’ 52-week high or low.

Dividend Directories

  • DRIP Directory – If you’re looking to reinvest your dividends with DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan) stocks, use our DRIP Directory to access today’s top Dividend Reinvestment Plan stocks.
  • ETF Directory – Our ETF Directory (Exchange Traded Funds) lets you screen all dividend paying ETFs, and find today’s highest yielding ETFs. Screen by dividend yield, ex dividend date, dividend pay date, and more. You can also download our sortable ETF Directory, and save it for access any time.
  • MLP Directory – With over 110 dividend paying MLPs (Master Limited Partnerships) you can invest in — including oil & gas pipelines and refineries — there’s no better tool for targeting the best of breed MLPs. Screen, sort, and save MLPs by dividend yield, AllStar Ranking, ex dividend date, by consecutive dividend increases, and more.
  • Monthly Dividend Directory – With our Monthly Dividend Directory, you can quickly find the best monthly dividend paying stocks in the market, in real-time. Screen and sort your favorite monthly dividend stocks by our AllStar Ranking, dividend yield, number of dividend payouts per year, ex dividend date, dividend pay date, and more. Then download your monthly dividend paying stocks and save it for access anytime.
  • REIT Directory – With roughly 225 REITS (Real Estate Investment Trusts) that pay dividends (often at very attractive yields), investors now have the right tool for finding the best REITs. With our REIT Directory, you can screen and sort by dividend yield, industry, AllStar Ranking, and more.
  • Preferred Stocks Directory – Preferred Stocks are a great way to build a solid dividend income stream, with high dividend yields the norm. Our Preferred Stocks Directory has a wealth of information on preferred stocks, including an exhaustive list of preferred stocks by coupon, current dividend yield, dividend payment dates, earliest call date, and more.
  • Preferred Stocks Directory Listed Alphabetically – Here we’ll show you how Preferred Stocks work, how you can buy Preferred Stocks, plus give you access to our current alphabetized directory of Preferred Stocks and complete dividend information.
  • Utility Stocks Directory – Utility stocks are favored by conservative investors with dividend yield and safety of investment principle in mind. Use our Utility Stocks Directory to find a complete list of utility stocks by dividend yield, dividend pay date, and more.
  • Baby Bonds – Formally known as Exchange Traded Debt Securities, “baby bonds” are bonds and notes traded on stock exchanges, rather than bond markets. With our Baby Bonds Directory, you’ll access a comprehensive, alphabetical list detailing baby bonds and their price, current yield, earliest call date, maturity date, and more.
  • Stock Splits – With our Stock Splits Directory, you can search company stock splits going back all the way to 1993 and up to today… and get stock split dates, split types, and split factors — all easily downloadable on your computer.





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