Dividend Calendar and Ex Dividend Dates

Our proprietary Dividend Tracker™ tool is ready for you to calendar search ex-dividend dates, dividend record dates, and dividend payment dates for thousands of stocks on the NYSE®, NASDAQ®, AMEX® and OTCBB® exchanges. You will be able to calendar search 20 years of dividend stock dates by selecting a custom date range, market cap, dividend yield and Exchange of your choice.

Dividend Capture Calendar™

Capture upcoming dividends by selecting a start and end date below.

Start Date

End Date

The ex-dividend date is the day that determines whether the seller or buyer of shares receives the next dividend distribution. Buying or selling shares of dividend stocks early or late could cause an investor to miss the ex-dividend date and a corresponding dividend distribution that shareholders otherwise would receive.

Ex-Dividend Date, also known as the ex-date, is when the security’s trading price is reduced by the amount of the upcoming dividend distribution. Investors who buy the security after the ex-dividend date are not eligible to receive the current dividend distribution. In case of an ex-dividend day transaction, the seller of the security will receive the dividend payout.

The ex-dividend date is used as the sole basis to determine who will receive payment of an upcoming dividend distribution. The SEC’s requirement is that an investor must be included in the company’s list of shareholders, which is compiled and finalized as of the company’s record date, to receive the dividend.

The ex-dividend date is set in relation to the record date. The long-standing rule that the ex-dividend must be two days prior to the record date has been changed to align with the new SEC policy of a T+2 settlement period that came into effect on September 5, 2017. The new requirement is that the ex-dividend date must be one business day prior to the record date.

Therefore, a company’s board of directors will pick the record date, which will determine shareholder eligibility to receive the dividend payout. Subsequently, the ex-dividend is set for the day prior to the record date and announced to the shareholders.

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Ex-Dividend Tracker™
Symbol Quote AllStar
Div Capture
Last 12
Mo Paid
D. Payout
Exchange Sector

User Notes:

  • A stock may pay a quarterly dividend and have 4 ex-dividend dates in a calendar year. Investors often ask “why own the stock for the entire 365 days in the year when technically you can own it for 4 days in the year to capture the dividends?”
  • If you purchase a stock on its ex-dividend date or after, you will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller gets the dividend. If you purchase before the ex-dividend date and sell on or after the ex-dividend date, you get/capture the dividend.
  • Select a specific date or a date range using the “Start Date” and “End Date” above. Then if needed select the market cap, yield and stock exchange and click “Go”
  • To assist in calculating the Dividend Capture Amount we have defaulted $10000 in the “Dollar Position” column. At anytime you can enter in a new value in the “Dollar Position” column and click “Go” to calculate the amount that you would capture if you owned the stock around the Ex-Dividend Date. (Dollar position / latest stock price = shares X current dividend amount = Dividend Capture Amount)
  • When the results are displayed you can sort highest/lowest by clicking any of the blue column headers
  • To download the data to Excel please click the “Download Data”
  • To save stocks to your Dividend Scorecard™ check the check box to the left of the stock symbols you would like to add. Then click the (+) Scorecard button to automatically add those checked stock symbols to your Dividend Scorecard™
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