Perry Dividend Payer
Bryan Perry's Top Monthly Dividend Payer

My #1 Monthly Dividend Payer for 2021:

The ‘Preferred’ Way to Collect a 10% - 11% Yield

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  • The monthly dividend investment paying out a current yield of more than 10%
  • How this investment seeks current income and capital appreciation through a portfolio of over 150 preferred securities
  • And why right now is the buying opportunity of a lifetime (and why my #1 dividend payer has remained strong through the pandemic)
My name is Bryan Perry. For 30 years, I’ve specialized in ferreting out the best high yield risk/reward strategies for investors. In my latest report, My Top Monthly Dividend Payer for 2021, you’ll learn why I chose this investment for my subscribers... and how you can use it to generate income for your own portfolio – month in, month out. Access my new research report today, 100% free. No credit card required.

"I started with about $100,000 and now have about $550,000 - some of the funds being investment growth, some being 'new money' and some from trading profits. I started with [Bryan Perry's] Cash Machine in October 2006."
—D.M., San Mateo, CA

"I started out with another advisor over 10 years ago but switched over to you. Best thing I could have done. My wife and I are retired and in our 80's and living off the dividends from the portfolio you advise. We are fully invested as recommended. Your whole process of delivering the information you do is terrific and most important as we age."
—Alex G., Chehlalis, WA

In Perry's Dividend Investing Weekly, Bryan offers commentary on the markets, the economy, politics and other topics of interest and what they mean to individual investors. About Bryan Perry — Bryan Perry is editor of Dividend Investing WeeklyCash Machine, Premium Income, Quick Income Trader and Instant Income Trader.
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