Dividend Calculator
Use our Dividend Calculator to calculate the long-term impact of dividend growth and dividend reinvestment. By reinvesting dividends and allowing returns to compound, investing a small sum in quality dividend stocks can result in substantial growth to the value of your investment portfolio.
User Notes Dividend Growth Calculator:
Our Dividend Growth Calculator is ready for your use. You are now able to view the growth of dividend reinvesting between 5% and 20%:
- Both fields are mandatory.
- After you enter the fields click on ‘Calculate’ button.
- To reset the form or content of the page, click on ‘Reset’ button.
- To Download to excel Click Download to Excel on the top right.
User Notes Dividend Reinvestment Calculator:
Our Dividend Reinvestment Calculator is ready for your use. You are now able to view the growth of dividend reinvesting:
- In the Calculator all the fields are mandatory except the ‘Dividend Growth Rate’ field.
- To calculate the value in compounded annually,quarterly or monthly you can select the value in the field ‘Type of Compound Dividend’ which has the drop down selections.
- After you enter all the mandatory fields click on ‘Calculate’ button, the result is displayed at the bottom of the page.
- To reset the form or content of the page, click on ‘Reset’ button.
- To Download to excel Click Download to Excel on the top right.