ETRACS MarketVector Business Development Companies Liquid Index ETN/UBS AG London Branch (BDCZ) Dividend News Alerts

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Jul 08,2024 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MarketVector Business Development Companies Liquid Index ETN/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 07-08-2024 declared a dividend of $0.4462 per share
Apr 05,2024 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MarketVector Business Development Companies Liquid Index ETN/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 04-05-2024 declared a dividend of $0.4599 per share
Jan 09,2024 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MarketVector Business Development Companies Liquid Index ETN/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 01-09-2024 declared a dividend of $0.4397 per share
Oct 10,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MarketVector Business Development Companies Liquid Index ETN/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 10-10-2023 declared a dividend of $0.4437 per share
Jul 07,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 07-07-2023 declared a dividend of $0.4292 per share
Apr 07,2023 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 04-07-2023 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.62 to $1.67
Apr 06,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 04-06-2023 declared a dividend of $0.4318 per share
Jan 07,2023 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 01-07-2023 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.57 to $1.62
Jan 06,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 01-06-2023 declared a dividend of $0.4268 per share
Oct 06,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 10-06-2022 declared a dividend of $0.4045 per share
Sep 27,2022 - BDCZ STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK LOW: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch on 09-27-2022 hit a 52 week low of $15.82
Jul 06,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 07-06-2022 declared a dividend of $0.4107 per share
Jun 17,2022 - BDCZ STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK LOW: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch on 06-17-2022 hit a 52 week low of $16.48
Jun 14,2022 - BDCZ STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK LOW: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch on 06-14-2022 hit a 52 week low of $17.17
May 21,2022 - BDCZ STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK LOW: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch on 05-21-2022 hit a 52 week low of $17.60
Apr 05,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 04-05-2022 declared a dividend of $0.3772 per share
Jan 07,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 01-07-2022 declared a dividend of $0.3780 per share
Oct 07,2021 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS MVIS Business Dev Co Index ETN 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 10-07-2021 declared a dividend of $0.3810 per share
Jul 07,2021 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 07-07-2021 declared a dividend of $0.3712 per share
Apr 08,2021 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 04-08-2021 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.56 to $1.49
Apr 07,2021 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 04-07-2021 declared a dividend of $0.3792 per share
Jan 12,2021 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 01-12-2021 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.62 to $1.56
Jan 11,2021 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 01-11-2021 declared a dividend of $0.3707 per share
Jul 10,2020 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 07-10-2020 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.72 to $1.66
Jul 09,2020 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 07-09-2020 declared a dividend of $0.3663 per share
Apr 06,2020 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 04-06-2020 declared a dividend of $0.4474 per share
Mar 27,2020 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 03-27-2020 increased close price > 10% from $11.04 to $12.23
Mar 25,2020 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 03-25-2020 increased close price > 10% from $9.13 to $10.09
Mar 24,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 03-24-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $10.60 to $9.13
Mar 19,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 03-19-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $11.93 to $10.29
Mar 17,2020 - 52 WEEK LOW: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 03-17-2020 hit a 52 week low of $12.46
Mar 17,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 03-17-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $14.60 to $12.46
Mar 13,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 03-13-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $16.16 to $14.21
Oct 04,2019 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 10-04-2019 declared a dividend of $0.4143 per share
Jul 08,2019 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 07-08-2019 declared a dividend of $0.4285 per share
Apr 05,2019 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 04-05-2019 declared a dividend of $0.4172 per share
Jan 04,2019 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: ETRACS Wells Fargo Business Dev Co Index ETN Ser B ETN Ser B 04/26/2041/UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 01-04-2019 declared a dividend of $0.4536 per share
Dec 22,2018 - 52 WEEK LOW: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 12-22-2018 hit a 52 week low of $17.24
Dec 20,2018 - 52 WEEK LOW: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 12-20-2018 hit a 52 week low of $17.76
Dec 18,2018 - 52 WEEK LOW: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 12-18-2018 hit a 52 week low of $17.82
Oct 24,2018 - 52 WEEK LOW: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 10-24-2018 hit a 52 week low of $19.07
Oct 05,2018 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 10-05-2018 declared a dividend of $0.4174 per share
Jul 06,2018 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) on 07-06-2018 declared a dividend of $0.4262 per share
Apr 06,2018 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4211 per share
Jan 05,2018 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4468 per share
Oct 06,2017 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4547 per share
Jul 06,2017 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4826 per share
Apr 05,2017 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4420 per share
Jan 06,2017 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4448 per share
Oct 05,2016 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4354 per share
Jul 06,2016 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4530 per share
Apr 05,2016 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4527 per share
Jan 06,2016 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: UBS AG London Branch (NYSE: BDCZ) today declared a dividend of $0.4566 per share
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