Cl A Com/Casella Waste Systems, Inc. (CWST) Dividend News Alerts

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Apr 03,2020 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: Casella Waste Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CWST) on 04-03-2020 increased close price > 10% from $35.85 to $39.98
Mar 24,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: Casella Waste Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CWST) on 03-24-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $40.64 to $36.12
Mar 19,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: Casella Waste Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CWST) on 03-19-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $46.65 to $39.06
Mar 18,2020 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: Casella Waste Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CWST) on 03-18-2020 increased close price > 10% from $39.85 to $46.65
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