IAC Inc. (IAC) Dividend News Alerts
IAC Stock Quote and Dividend Data
IAC Dividend History Detail
IAC Projected 10 Year Dividend Yield
IAC Competitors News
Nov 13,2024 - IAC STOCK PRICE DECREASE: IAC Inc. on 11-13-2024 decreased stock price > 10% from $55.10 to $48.18 |
May 03,2024 - IAC STOCK PRICE INCREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (New) on 05-03-2024 increased stock price > 10% from $47.85 to $53.66 |
Aug 10,2023 - IAC STOCK PRICE DECREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (New) on 08-10-2023 decreased stock price > 10% from $67.08 to $56.13 |
May 11,2023 - IAC STOCK PRICE INCREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (New) on 05-11-2023 increased stock price > 10% from $53.68 to $60.08 |
Oct 12,2022 - IAC STOCK PRICE DECREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (New) on 10-12-2022 decreased stock price > 10% from $55.63 to $49.83 |
Feb 17,2022 - IAC STOCK PRICE DECREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (New) on 02-17-2022 decreased stock price > 10% from $134.79 to $120.88 |
May 26,2021 - IAC STOCK PRICE DECREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (New) on 05-26-2021 decreased stock price > 10% from $252.63 to $158.74 |
Apr 02,2021 - IAC STOCK PRICE INCREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp on 04-02-2021 increased stock price > 10% from $206.00 to $226.69 |
IAC) on 12-23-2020 increased stock price > 10% from $161.02 to $183.73 | Dec 23,2020 - STOCK PRICE INCREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:
IAC) on 07-02-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $323.40 to $106.71 | Jul 02,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:
IAC) on 03-26-2020 increased close price > 10% from $159.51 to $176.73 | Mar 26,2020 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:
IAC) on 03-25-2020 increased close price > 10% from $131.99 to $159.51 | Mar 25,2020 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:
IAC) on 03-19-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $156.59 to $139.32 | Mar 19,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:
IAC) on 03-17-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $171.00 to $149.75 | Mar 17,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:
IAC) on 03-13-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $188.08 to $165.94 | Mar 13,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:
IAC) on 08-08-2019 increased close price > 10% from $233.18 to $258.28 | Aug 08,2019 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:
IAC) on 08-11-2018 increased close price from $182.600 to $193.000 | Aug 11,2018 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ:
IAC) on 08-10-2018 increased close price from $167.950 to $182.600 | Aug 10,2018 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ: