JetPay Corp (JTPY) Dividend News Alerts

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Oct 23,2018 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: JetPay Corp (NASDAQ: JTPY) on 10-23-2018 increased close price > 10% from $2.05 to $4.96
Aug 25,2018 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: JetPay Corp (NASDAQ: JTPY) on 08-25-2018 increased close price > 3% from $1.65 to $1.70
Aug 18,2018 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: JetPay Corp (NASDAQ: JTPY) on 08-18-2018 decreased close price > 3% from $1.90 to $1.70
Aug 17,2018 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: JetPay Corp (NASDAQ: JTPY) on 08-17-2018 increased close price from $1.650 to $1.900
Aug 16,2018 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: JetPay Corp (NASDAQ: JTPY) on 08-16-2018 decreased close price from $1.750 to $1.650
Aug 10,2018 - CLOSE PRICE INCREASE: JetPay Corp (NASDAQ: JTPY) on 08-10-2018 increased close price from $1.700 to $1.800
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