Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (LBRDP) Dividend News Alerts

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Dec 09,2024 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 12-09-2024 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
May 23,2024 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 05-23-2024 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
Mar 21,2024 - LBRDP STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK HIGH: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp on 03-21-2024 hit a 52 week high of $23.79
Mar 14,2024 - LBRDP STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK HIGH: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp on 03-14-2024 hit a 52 week high of $23.74
Dec 13,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 12-13-2023 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
Aug 16,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 08-16-2023 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
May 25,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 05-25-2023 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
Mar 10,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 03-10-2023 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
Aug 17,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 08-17-2022 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
May 26,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 05-26-2022 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
Mar 14,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 03-14-2022 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
Dec 08,2021 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 12-08-2021 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
Aug 19,2021 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 08-19-2021 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
May 27,2021 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 05-27-2021 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
Mar 15,2021 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Cum Red Pfd Ser A/Liberty Broadband Corp (NASDAQ: LBRDP) on 03-15-2021 declared a dividend of $0.4375 per share
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