RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (RMMZ) Dividend News Alerts

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Oct 01,2024 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (NYSE: RMMZ) on 10-01-2024 declared a dividend of $0.0974 per share
Jul 01,2024 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (NYSE: RMMZ) on 07-01-2024 declared a dividend of $0.0974 per share
Jan 02,2024 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (NYSE: RMMZ) on 01-02-2024 declared a dividend of $0.0974 per share
Oct 26,2023 - RMMZ STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK LOW: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc on 10-26-2023 hit a 52 week low of $13.54
Oct 24,2023 - RMMZ STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK LOW: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc on 10-24-2023 hit a 52 week low of $13.54
Oct 02,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (NYSE: RMMZ) on 10-02-2023 declared a dividend of $0.0971 per share
Jul 03,2023 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (NYSE: RMMZ) on 07-03-2023 declared a dividend of $0.0971 per share
Oct 03,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (NYSE: RMMZ) on 10-03-2022 declared a dividend of $0.1042 per share
Jul 01,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (NYSE: RMMZ) on 07-01-2022 declared a dividend of $0.1042 per share
May 14,2022 - RMMZ STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK LOW: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc on 05-14-2022 hit a 52 week low of $15.51
Apr 28,2022 - RMMZ STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK LOW: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc on 04-28-2022 hit a 52 week low of $17.39
Apr 01,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (NYSE: RMMZ) on 04-01-2022 declared a dividend of $0.1042 per share
Mar 01,2022 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc (NYSE: RMMZ) on 03-01-2022 declared a dividend of $0.1042 per share
Feb 19,2022 - RMMZ STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK HIGH: RiverNorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund II Inc on 02-19-2022 hit a 52 week high of $20.00
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