Vanguard Long-Term Corporate Bd ETF/Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (VCLT) Dividend News Alerts

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Feb 21,2020 - 52 WEEK HIGH: Vanguard Long-Term Corporate Bd ETF/Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) on 02-21-2020 hit a 52 week high of $105.98
Aug 07,2019 - 52 WEEK HIGH: Vanguard Long-Term Corporate Bd ETF/Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) on 08-07-2019 hit a 52 week high of $99.45
Jun 20,2019 - 52 WEEK HIGH: Vanguard Long-Term Corporate Bd ETF/Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) on 06-20-2019 hit a 52 week high of $95.90
May 31,2019 - 52 WEEK HIGH: Vanguard Long-Term Corporate Bd ETF/Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) on 05-31-2019 hit a 52 week high of $92.95
Oct 23,2018 - 52 WEEK LOW: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) on 10-23-2018 hit a 52 week low of $85.22
Jun 30,2017 - DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3160 per share
Nov 30,2016 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3260 per share
Oct 31,2016 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3130 per share
Jul 29,2016 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3230 per share
Jun 29,2016 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3230 per share
May 31,2016 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3260 per share
Dec 21,2015 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3690 per share
Nov 27,2015 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3250 per share
Oct 29,2015 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3250 per share
Sep 29,2015 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3310 per share
Aug 31,2015 - DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard Scottsdale Funds (NASDAQ: VCLT) today declared a dividend of $0.3270 per share
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