FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (VEU) Dividend News Alerts
VEU Stock Quote and Dividend Data
VEU Dividend History Detail
VEU Projected 10 Year Dividend Yield
VEU Competitors News
VEU) on 09-20-2024 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.82 to $1.76 | Sep 20,2024 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 06-19-2024 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.96 to $1.82 | Jun 19,2024 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
May 10,2024 - VEU STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds on 05-10-2024 hit a 52 week high of $59.25 |
VEU) on 03-15-2024 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.86 to $1.96 | Mar 15,2024 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 12-15-2023 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.64 to $1.86 | Dec 15,2023 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 12-16-2022 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.79 to $1.56 | Dec 16,2022 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 09-17-2022 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.90 to $1.79 | Sep 17,2022 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 06-18-2022 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.83 to $1.90 | Jun 18,2022 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 12-17-2021 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.49 to $1.88 | Dec 17,2021 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 06-19-2021 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.21 to $1.47 | Jun 19,2021 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
Jun 15,2021 - VEU STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds on 06-15-2021 hit a 52 week high of $65.28 |
Jun 08,2021 - VEU STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds on 06-08-2021 hit a 52 week high of $65.17 |
Jun 05,2021 - VEU STOCK PRICE 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds on 06-05-2021 hit a 52 week high of $65.10 |
VEU) on 03-19-2021 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.16 to $1.21 | Mar 19,2021 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 02-13-2021 hit a 52 week high of $62.45 | Feb 13,2021 - 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 01-09-2021 hit a 52 week high of $60.93 | Jan 09,2021 - 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 12-18-2020 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.29 to $1.16 | Dec 18,2020 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 12-05-2020 hit a 52 week high of $57.73 | Dec 05,2020 - 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 11-25-2020 hit a 52 week high of $56.68 | Nov 25,2020 - 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 06-20-2020 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.61 to $1.28 | Jun 20,2020 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 03-20-2020 decreased dividend rate > 3% from $1.67 to $1.61 | Mar 20,2020 - DIVIDEND RATE DECREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 03-17-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $41.68 to $36.95 | Mar 17,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 03-13-2020 decreased close price > 10% from $43.72 to $39.05 | Mar 13,2020 - CLOSE PRICE DECREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 01-17-2020 hit a 52 week high of $54.62 | Jan 17,2020 - 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 01-03-2020 hit a 52 week high of $54.44 | Jan 03,2020 - 52 WEEK HIGH: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 12-20-2019 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.53 to $1.67 | Dec 20,2019 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
VEU) on 09-21-2019 increased dividend rate > 3% from $1.48 to $1.53 | Sep 21,2019 - DIVIDEND RATE INCREASE: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE:
DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) on 09-20-2019 declared a dividend of $0.3273 per share | Sep 20,2019 -
DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: FTSE All-World ex-USA Index Fd ETF/Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) on 06-13-2019 declared a dividend of $0.5790 per share | Jun 13,2019 -
DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) on 06-20-2018 declared a dividend of $0.6130 per share | Jun 20,2018 -
DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) today declared a dividend of $0.1563 per share | Mar 22,2018 -
DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) today declared a dividend of $0.4629 per share | Dec 19,2017 -
DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) today declared a dividend of $0.2980 per share | Sep 18,2017 -
DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) today declared a dividend of $0.5410 per share | Jun 19,2017 -
DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) today declared a dividend of $0.3750 per share | Dec 16,2016 -
DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) today declared a dividend of $0.2550 per share | Sep 09,2016 -
DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) today declared a dividend of $0.3350 per share | Dec 17,2015 -
DIVIDEND STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Vanguard International Equity Index Funds (NYSE: VEU) today declared a dividend of $0.2280 per share | Sep 23,2015 -