Directory of Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Dividend Stocks

Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology

Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Industries:

Symbol Company Name Div. Yield Industry Market Cap
AADI Aadi Bioscience Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 59,399,270
AAGH America Great Health N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,118,899
AAVXF Ord/Abivax SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ABBV AbbVie Inc 3.58% Pharmaceuticals $ 306,369,061,800
ABC AmerisourceBergen Corp. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 36,387,456,500
ABCL AbCellera Biologics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 829,978,460
ABCZF Ord/Abcam PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 5,043,318,500
ABEO Abeona Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 256,044,190
ABMC American Bio Medica Corp. N/A Biotechnology $ 4,810
ABOS Acumen Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 121,962,400
ABSCF AB Science N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ABSI Absci Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 424,392,920
ABUS Arbutus Biopharma Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 659,432,160
ABVC ABVC BioPharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,552,375
ABVX Sponsored Ads/Abivax SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ACAD Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,871,925,920
ACAN Americann Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 487,840
ACB Com No Par (New)/Aurora Cannabis Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 85,329,380
ACBM Acro Biomedical Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 42,029
ACET Adicet Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 79,500,485
ACHFF Arch Biopartners Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 34,743,720
ACHL ADS (Sponsored)/Achilles Therapeutics PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ACHV Com Par $0.001/Achieve Life Sciences, Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 140,999,000
ACIU Ord/AC Immune SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 212,214,150
ACLX Arcellx Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 4,531,485,000
ACOR Acorda Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 820,962
ACORQ Com Par $0.001/Acorda Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 16,767
ACPGF Acacia Pharma Group PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ACRDF Sub Vtg Shs Cl D/Acreage Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,395,660
ACRHF Sub Vtg Shs Cl E/Acreage Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 323,300
ACRS Aclaris Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 230,007,820
ACRV Acrivon Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 219,820,160
ACRX Talphera Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,578,720
ACST Cl A No Par July 2023/Acasti Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 25,059,320
ACTU Actuate Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 168,365,840
ACUR Com Par $0.001/Acura Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 198,006
ACUS Acusphere Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5
ACXP Acurx Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,445,204
ADAG ADS/Adagene Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ADAP ADR (Sponsored)/Adaptimmune Therapeutics PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ADCT Ord/ADC Therapeutics SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 182,744,100
ADDXF Addex Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ADGI Adagio Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 504,975,840
ADIL ADial Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,982,540
ADMA ADMA Biologics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,394,490,100
ADMP DMK Pharmaceuticals Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 7,253,815
ADOCY Adocia N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
ADOIF Adocia N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
ADPT Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 929,747,700
ADTX Com Par $0.001/Aditxt Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 348
ADVM Adverum Biotechnologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 111,706,740
ADVT Advantis Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ADXS Ayala Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,151,091
ADXSD Com Par $0.001 (New)/Advaxis Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,151,600
ADYX Adynxx Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6
AFFY Affymax Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 29,992
AFMD Ord (New)/Affimed N.V. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 21,132,350
AGEN Com Par $0.01/Agenus Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 71,549,950
AGGX AngioGenex Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,077
AGIO Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,222,173,950
AGLE Spyre Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 48,628,490
AGNPD Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AGNPF Cl A (New)/Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AGRX Com Par $0.001/Agile Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 10,425,040
AGTX Agentix Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,078,164
AGXRW Agile Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AGYTF Allergy Therapeutics Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AHGHF Althea Group Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AHROQ AtheroNova Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,690
AIDA AIDA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,400
AIHLF Adcock Ingram Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AIKI AIkido Pharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 21,501,200
AIM AIM ImmunoTech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 13,951,614
AIMD Com Par $0.01/Ainos Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,371,720
AIMDW Wt Exp 07/29/2027/Ainos Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AKBA Akebia Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 403,634,850
AKBLF Ord Cl A/Alk-Abello A/S N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AKRO Akero Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,016,493,110
AKTX Sponsored Adr New/Akari Therapeutics PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ALDX Aldeyra Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 291,795,000
ALEAF Aleafia Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 30
ALEC Alector Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 191,722,370
ALFRY Alfresa Holdings Corp Tokyo N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ALGS Aligos Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,616,916,700
ALID Allied Corp (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,224,363
ALKS Ord/Alkermes plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,936,609,530
ALLK Allakos Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 93,293,550
ALLO Allogene Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 396,280,080
ALLR Allarity Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,522,680
ALMS Alumis Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ALMY Alchemy Creative Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ALNA Allena Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,156,225
ALNAQ Allena Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 122
ALNY Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 31,657,096,640
ALPMF Ord/Astellas Pharma Inc 4.49% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ALPMY ADR/Astellas Pharma Inc 4.57% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ALPN Alpine Immune Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,456,812,060
ALRN Aileron Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 48,965,160
ALSE Alseres Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 30
ALST Allstar Health Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ALSTD Allstar Health Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ALT Altimmune Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 642,258,750
ALTS ALT5 Sigma Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 35,185,920
ALVO Ord/Alvotech N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,668,652,600
ALVOW Wt Exp/Alvotech N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ALVR AlloVir Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 51,991,650
ALXO ALX Oncology Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 76,477,350
ALZN Com New July 2024/Alzamend Neuro Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,170,540
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,827
AMFL American Films Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,680,840
AMGN Amgen Inc 3.33% Biotechnology $ 145,467,180,460
AMGXF AnGes Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
AMLX Amylyx Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 282,417,760
AMPE Com Par $0.0001/Ampio Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 568
AMPED Ampio Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 7,693,860
AMPH Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc (DE) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,030,941,440
AMRN ADR (Sponsored) New/Amarin Corp Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 68,295
AMRX Cl A/Amneal Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,426,078,520
AMRYY Amryt Pharma PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ANAB AnaptysBio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 474,388,110
ANEB Anebulo Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 36,306,200
ANIP ANI Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,189,408,620
ANIX Anixa Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 91,710,150
ANL Sponsored ADR Repstg Shs/Adlai Nortye Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ANNX Annexon Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 473,277,360
ANPCF Angle Plc Surrey N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ANPCY ADR (Sponsored)/Angle Plc Surrey N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ANRO Alto Neuroscience Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 103,295,100
ANTCF Aion Therapeutic Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ANTH Com Par $.001/Anthera Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 26
ANTX AN2 Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 42,726,970
ANVS Annovis Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 73,262,070
AOLS Aeolus Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 30,417
AOXG Aoxing Pharmaceutical Co Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 472,496
APDN Com Par $0.001 (New)/Applied DNA Sciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,695,215
APGE com/Apogee Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 155,171,500
APHIF Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
APLIF Appili Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
APLM Ord/Apollomics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
APLMW Wt Exp/Apollomics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
APLS Apellis Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,128,603,670
APLT Applied Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 133,809,400
APM Cl A Ord (New) $0.00001 USD/Aptorum Group Ltd (New) N/A Biotechnology $ 887,839
APNHF Ord/Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Plc 1.47% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
APNHY ADR/Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Plc 1.32% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
APPB Applied BioSciences Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14
APPDW Applied DNA Sciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
APRE Aprea Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 17,364,825
APTCF Advanced Proteome Therapeutics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 3,340
APTO Com No Par/Aptose Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,767,553
APTX Aptinyx Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,500,736
APVO Com Par $0.001/Aptevo Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,045,000
AQST Aquestive Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 329,152,580
AQSZF Aequus Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 216,681
ARAV Aravive Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,949,876
ARCT Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 466,167,270
ARDS Aridis Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,457
ARDX Ardelyx Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,236,377,880
AREVF Arev Life Sciences Global Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 94,580
ARFXD ProMIS Neurosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,359,400
ARGNF Argen X NV N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ARGX ADS (Sponsored)/argenx SE N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ARHCF Alfresa Holdings Corp Tokyo N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ARMP Armata Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 79,305,899
ARNI Arno Therapeutics, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ARQT Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,483,346,790
ARTL Com Par $0.001/Artelo Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ARTV Artiva Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 257,949,180
ARUXF Ord/Acrux Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ARVN Arvinas Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,339,903,500
ARWR Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,718,882,900
ARYX Aryx Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 33
ASLN Sponsored Ads New 2024/ASLAN Pharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ASMB Assembly Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 97,755,280
ASND ADR (Sponsored)/Ascendis Pharma A/S N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ASNHF Avidus Management Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 27
ASPCD Acerus Pharmaceuticals Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,740
ASPHF Ascentage Pharma Group International N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ASPI ASP Isotopes Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 356,950,000
ASRT Assertio Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 87,839,760
ATAI Ord/ATAI Life Sciences NV N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 228,210,720
ATBPD Antibe Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,153,650
ATBPF Antibe Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 561,638
ATGGF Actinogen Medical Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ATHA Athira Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 22,617,498
ATHE Sponsored ADR (New)/Alterity Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 235,200
ATHJF Ord/Percheron Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ATHX Athersys Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 833,207
ATHXQ Athersys Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 62
ATLEW Artelo Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ATLN Atlantic International Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 294,362,890
ATNF Com Par $0.0001/180 Life Sciences Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 3,815,610
ATNFW Wt Pur 1/2 Com Exp 11/07/2025/180 Life Sciences Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ATNM Actinium Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 38,371,080
ATNX Athenex Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,759,455
ATNXQ Athenex Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 131,678
ATOS Com Par $/Atossa Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 140,897,120
ATRA Atara Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 59,500,800
ATRX Adhera Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,574
ATTBF Abattis Bioceuticals Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 50
ATXI Com Par $0.0001(New)/Avenue Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,441,600
ATXS Astria Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 537,251,680
ATYR aTyr Pharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 256,862,520
AUPH Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,341,587,230
AURA Aura Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 420,087,910
AUTL ADS (Sponsored)/Autolus Therapeutics PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
AVBP ArriVent Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 897,417,920
AVCNF Avicanna Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AVCRF Avricore Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,587,514
AVCTF Avacta Group PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AVDL Ord/Avadel Pharmaceuticals PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,001,201,180
AVEFF Avecho Biotechnology Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AVIR Atea Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 247,476,590
AVMXY Avita Medical Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
AVRW Avenir Wellness Solutions Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,170,438
AVTBD Avant Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,264,965
AVTBF Avant Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,068,892
AVTE Aerovate Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 73,053,750
AVTX Com Par $0.001/Avalo Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 95,936,620
AVVH Avvaa World Healthcare Products, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,250
AVXL Anavex Life Sciences Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 717,374,160
AVXT AVAX Technologies, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 143
AWKNF Awakn Life Sciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
AXCWF Auxly Cannabis Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AXIM Axim Biotechnologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 634,114
AXLA Axcella Health Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,181,853
AXMP AXM Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 22
AXRX Amexdrug Corp. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 338,820
AXSM Axsome Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,366,426,200
AYRWF Sub Ltd Vtg Shs/Ayr Wellness Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AYTU Com Par $0.0001 2022/AYTU BioPharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,854,560
AYWWF Wt Exp 02/07/2026/Ayr Wellness Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
AZN ADR (Sponsored)/AstraZeneca Plc 2.19% Pharmaceuticals $ 32,782,860,140
AZNCF Ord/AstraZeneca Plc 2.25% Pharmaceuticals $ 172,931,014,060
AZTR Azitra Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,374,505
AZYO Cl A Com/Aziyo Biologics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 17,784,640
BAYRY ADR (Sponsored)/Bayer AG 0.42% Pharmaceuticals $ 15,074,258,880
BAYZF Namen Akt/Bayer AG 0.57% Pharmaceuticals $ 14,649,906,400
BBI Brickell Biotech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,753,900
BBIO BridgeBio Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,195,335,100
BBLG Com (New) Dec 2023/Bone Biologics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 2,759,680
BBLGW Wt Exp (New)/Bone Biologics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BBRRF Com MM/Blueberries Medical Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BCAB BioAtla Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 70,087,200
BCAX Bicara Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 952,280,000
BCCOY ADR/Bico Group AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BCDA Com Par $0.001 (New)/BioCardia Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 9,534,720
BCEL Cl A Com/Atreca Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,932,200
BCHMF Namen AKT/Bachem Holding Ltd 1.07% Biotechnology $ 0
BCHMY ADR/Bachem Holding Ltd 0.76% Biotechnology $ 0
BCLI Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 8,269,350
BCRX BioCryst Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,557,851,580
BCTX Briacell Therapeutics Corp (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 23,880,780
BCTXD BriaCell Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 4,271,200
BCTXW Wt Exp 02/24/2025/BriaCell Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BCYC ADS (Sponsored) Reptstg 1 Shs/Bicycle Therapeutics plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 59,838,730
BDRX Sponsored ADR (New)/Biodexa Pharmaceuticals plc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BDTX Black Diamond Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 144,857,600
BEAM Beam Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,312,771,580
BEIGF BeiGene Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 19,958,889,600
BETRD BetterLife Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 36,644,436
BETRF BetterLife Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,120,825
BFEHF Bachem Holding Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BFRG BullFrog AI Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 19,342,860
BFRGW Wt Exp/BullFrog AI Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BFRGX BullFrog AI Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BFRI Biofrontera Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 8,213,940
BFRIW Wt Exp 10/27/2026/Biofrontera Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BGES Bio-Bridge Science Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 230,665
BGLC BioNexus Gene Lab Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 4,673,477
BGM Ord/Qilian International Holding Group Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 61,490,000
BGMD BG Medicine Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 11
BGNE ADS (Sponsored) Repstg Shs/BeiGene Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BGXX Bright Green Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 17,319,640
BHC Bausch Health Companies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,872,541,430
BHCCF Benchmark Holdings PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BHVN Ord Shs/Biohaven Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 3,890,163,340
BIAF Bioaffinity Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 14,494,050
BIAFW Wt Exp/Bioaffinity Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BICB BioCube Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 8,969
BICTF Biocure Technology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BIEI Premier Biomedical Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 799,985
BIIB Biogen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 21,862,221,570
BIMI Com Par/BIMI International Medical Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 86,925
BIO Cl A/Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,708,210,160
BIOA BioAge Labs Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BIOAF biOasis Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BIOC Biocept Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,142,047
BIOCQ Com Par $0.0001 (New) 2023/Biocept Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3
BIOGY ADR/BioGaia AB (Sweden) 5.57% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BIOIF Biome Grow Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BIOQ Bioqual Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 34,290,000
BIOR Biora Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,587,608
BIOVF Ord/Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BIOYF BioSyent Inc 1.58% Pharmaceuticals $ 102,768,675
BIO__B Cl B/Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,710,655,625
BITGF Biotage AB N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BITRF Biotron Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BIVI Cl A Par $0.0001/BioVie Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 46,907,520
BIXT Bioxytran Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 7,566,061
BJTRF Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BKUH Bakhu Holdings Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,519,545
BLCM Bellicum Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 726,346
BLFS Biolife Solutions Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,238,532,900
BLI Berkeley Lights Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 86,608,800
BLMH Blum Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,385,250
BLPH Bellerophon Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 232,427
BLRX ADR (Sponsored) (New)/BioLineRx Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,753,486
BLTE ADR/Belite Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BLUE bluebird bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 61,637,480
BMEA Biomea Fusion Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 204,387,960
BMMJ Body & Mind Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,550,703
BMRN BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 12,580,383,830
BMSND Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,171,200
BMY Bristol Myers Squibb Co. 4.30% Pharmaceuticals $ 113,131,713,060
BMYMP $2 Cv. Pfd./Bristol Myers Squibb Co. 0.22% Pharmaceuticals $ 11,066,640
BNIGF Beroni Group Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BNOEF Ord/Bionomics Limited N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BNOX ADR/Bionomics Limited N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BNR Sponsered ADR (New)/Burning Rock Biotech Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 9,085,500
BNTC Benitec Biopharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 273,252,320
BNTX ADS/BioNTech SE N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BNZPF Bone Therapeutics SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BOAA Bio-America Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BOEU BoneSupport Holding AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BOIRF Ord/Boiron S.A. (France) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BOLD Boundless Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 54,858,000
BOLT Bolt Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 20,204,317
BON Ord (New)/Bon Natural Life Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 1,326,000
BOVNF Bioinvent International AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BPMC Blueprint Medicines Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,919,987,940
BPMUF Basilea Pharmaceutica AG N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 504,209,520
BPTH Com Par $0.001 (New)/Bio-Path Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,847,788
BPTS Sponsored Adr (New) 2024/Biophytis SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BPTSY Sponsored Adr (New) 2024/Biophytis SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BRCNF Burcon NutraScience Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 6,158,881
BRCTF Sh AK B/BioArctic AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BRIBF Brii Bioscience Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BRLL Barrel Energy Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 813,007
BRNS Sponsored ADS/Barinthus Biotherapeutics plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BRPHF Ord/Galaxy Digital Holdings Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 1,240,837,500
BRSF Brain Scientific Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 932,250
BRSFD Brain Scientific Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,100,000
BRTX Com (New) $0.001 2021/BioRestorative Therapies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 10,034,000
BRTXD BioRestorative Therapies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 11,313,000
BSEM Biostem Technologies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BSFAF BSF Enterprise Plc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BSPK Bespoke Extracts Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 897,429
BSPKD Bespoke Extracts Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,324,265
BSPM Com Par $0.001/Biostar Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 264
BSSP Bassline Productions Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 372
BSYI BioSyntech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,054
BTAI BioXcel Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 17,616,451
BTAX Biostax Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 1,586,854
BTTAY Biotest AG N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BUDZ Weed Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,951,140
BVNKF Ord/Bavarian Nordic A/S N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BVNND BevCanna Enterprises Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BVNRY ADR (Sponsored)/Bavarian Nordic A/S N/A Biotechnology $ 0
BVNXF Bioventix PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BWV Blue Water Vaccines Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,361,631
BXPHF Ord/Botanix Pharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BXRX Com Par $0.01/Baudax Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 44
BYSI Ord/BeyondSpring Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 64,192,880
BZAMF BZAM Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
BZYR Burzynski Research Institute Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,074,888
CAAOF Com Sub Vtg/INDVR Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CABA Cabaletta Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 137,833,140
CADL Candel Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 219,213,000
CAH Cardinal Health, Inc. 1.70% Pharmaceuticals $ 28,581,499,100
CAKFF McKesson Europe AG 9.75% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CALC CalciMedica Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 36,805,860
CALT ADS (Sponsored)/Calliditas Therapeutics AB N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 16,000,040
CAMRF Sh AK/Camurus AB N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CANBD Can B Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 159,482
CANF Sponsored ADR (New) 2023/Can-Fite Biopharma Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CANQF CanaQuest Medical Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CANSF Willow Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 15,904
CAPR Capricor Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 602,932,200
CAPSD Capstone Therapeutics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 761,400
CARA Cara Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,372,272
CARM Carisma Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 16,900,400
CASBF Cansino Biologics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CASI Ord/CASI Pharmaceuticals Inc (New) N/A Biotechnology $ 42,314,660
CAVG ACC Aviation Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,839,700
CBAY CymaBay Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,726,235,520
CBBT Cerebain Biotech Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 126,201
CBDC Apotheca Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 35,922
CBDHF HempFusion Wellness Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 117
CBDX Curative Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,158
CBGL Cannabis Global Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 113,642
CBIA Canopus Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 80
CBIS Cannabis Science Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 12,503,845
CBSTF Cannabist Company Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 27,666,191
CBUS Cl A/Cibus Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 107,940,480
CBWTF Auxly Cannabis Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,757,210
CCCC C4 Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 309,179,820
CCHWF Cannabist Company Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 463,961,760
CCHXF Conjuchem Biotechnologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 25,065
CDAK Codiak BioSciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,099,310
CDAKQ Codiak BioSciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 58,928
CDMO Avid Bioservices Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 789,303,420
CDTX Cidara Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 161,235,360
CDXC ChromaDex Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 467,463,960
CDXI Cardax Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 80
CDXID Cardax Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,459,000
CELGR Contingent Value Rt 12/31/2030/Bristol Myers Squibb Co. 30.24% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CELU Cl A (New)/Celularity Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 49,914,480
CELUW Wt Exp 05/24/2026/Celularity Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CELZ Com Par $0.001 (New)/Creative Medical Technology Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,824,624
CEVE Ceres Ventures Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 8,550
CFRX Com Par $ 0.0001/ContraFect Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 11
CGC Canopy Growth Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 327,669,600
CGDI China Growth Development Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 36
CGEM Cullinan Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 681,229,750
CGEN Ord/Compugen Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 109,356,030
CGNGY Clinigen Group PLC 1.11% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CGON CG Oncology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,945,038,800
CGTX Cognition Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 19,859,944
CHALF Chalice Brands Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CHBRF Ord/Chill Brands Group plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CHEXF Avivagen Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 12,198,221
CHGCF Ord/Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1.34% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CHGCY ADR/Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 1.27% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CHHE China Health Industries Holdings, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 18,023,500
CHIZF China Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CHJTF Ord/CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 5.92% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CHME China Medicine Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 71,136
CHMJD Waverunner Capital Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,378
CHMJF Waverunner Capital Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,352
CHNXF Chitogenx Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CHOOF Choom Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,617
CHRO Chromocell Therapeutics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 3,526,983
CHRS Coherus BioSciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 185,492,930
CHSYF China Medical System Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CING Com Par $0.0001/Cingulate Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 13,522,520
CKDXD Opthea Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CKDXF Opthea Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 154,441,760
CKMTF Carmat N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CKNTF Cell Kinetics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 1,650
CKPT Checkpoint Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 162,647,060
CLABD Core One Labs Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 21,502,050
CLABF Com No Par/Core One Labs Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 493,806
CLAZF Claritas Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 35
CLBS Caladrius Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 25,833,444
CLCS Cell Source Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 26,080,800
CLDX Celldex Therapeutics, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 1,684,378,080
CLGN Ord (New)/CollPlant Biotechnologies Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CLIGF Ord/Clinigen Group PLC 1.28% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CLLKF Ord Cl B/Bico Group AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CLLS ADS (Sponsored)/Cellectis SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CLNN Clene Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 39,501,000
CLNNW Wt Exp 11/07/2025/Clene Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CLRB Com Par $0.00001 (New) 2022/Cellectar Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 10,730,200
CLSD Clearside Biomedical Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 77,360,880
CLSN Com Par 2022 (New)/Celsion Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 13,914,040
CLVLF Ord/Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 0.40% Biotechnology $ 0
CLVLY ADR (Sponsored)/Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 0.38% Biotechnology $ 0
CLVS Clovis Oncology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,770,346
CLVSQ Clovis Oncology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,174,325
CLYM Climb Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 174,782,400
CLYYF Celyad Oncology SA N/A Biotechnology $ 3,415,790
CMMB ADS (Sponsored)/Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 237,000
CMOPF Ord/Cosmo Pharmaceuticals NV N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CMPS ADS (Sponsored) Repstg Shs/COMPASS Pathways Plc N/A Biotechnology $ 28,274,000
CMPX Compass Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 200,879,940
CMRA Comera Life Sciences Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,074
CMRAW Wt Exp 03/15/2027/Comera Life Sciences Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CMRX Chimerix Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 265,311,200
CMVLF Cellectis SA N/A Biotechnology $ 108,661,200
CMXHF Ord/CSL Ltd 2.13% Biotechnology $ 0
CNAB United Cannabis Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,407,681
CNABQ United Cannabis Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 85
CNADF CanadaBis Capital Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CNBI China BCT Pharmacy Group, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,815
CNBX CNBX Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 279,999
CNBXD CNBX Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,885,250
CNGGF Ord Fully Paid/Cann Group Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CNGT Cannagistics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 266
CNSP Com Par$0.001/CNS Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,915,412
CNTA ADS (Sponsored)/Centessa Pharmaceuticals PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CNTB ADS/Connect Biopharma Holdings Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CNTMF Cansortium Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CNTTQ CannTrust Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CNTX Context Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 104,247,220
COCP Com Par $ (New)/Cocrystal Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 19,413,009
COGT Cogent Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 900,265,300
COLL Collegium Pharmaceutical Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 970,402,500
COPHD Melodiol Global Health Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
COR Cencora Inc 0.90% Pharmaceuticals $ 44,887,347,200
CORC Cornwall Resources Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CORT Corcept Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,804,535,000
COSM Com Par$/Cosmos Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 16,855,812
COTQF Cotinga Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,492
COYA Coya Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 89,651,690
CPGSF CropEnergies AG N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CPHB China PharmaHub Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 1,022,493
CPHGF Consun Pharmaceuticals Group Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CPHI Com Part $0.001/China Pharma Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,407,781
CPIX Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 33,419,960
CPPSF Cassiopea SpA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CPRX Catalyst Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,537,549,440
CPTCF Cytophage Technologies Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CPTRF Captor Capital Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,091,742
CRBP Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 183,659,320
CRBU Caribou Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 172,956,230
CRDF Cardiff Oncology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 200,445,280
CRDL Cl A/Cardiol Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 57,119,510
CRGX CARGO Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 632,424,720
CRIS Com Par $0.01/Curis Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 30,227,190
CRL Charles River Laboratories International Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 9,739,362,560
CRMD CorMedix Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 508,473,260
CRNX Crinetics Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,976,321,080
CRNY China Renyuan International Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,580
CRON Cronos Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 737,829,350
CRPGF China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CRRTF Crescita Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CRSP Namen Akt/CRISPR Therapeutics AG N/A Biotechnology $ 3,736,754,340
CRTPF Cardiol Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CRTX Cortexyme Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 57,588,410
CRVO CervoMed Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 15,682,600
CRVS Corvus Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 474,216,660
CRXM Gene Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 65
CRYO American CryoStem Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 4,428
CSBR Champions Oncology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 86,050,020
CSBTF Namen-Akt/Kuros Biosciences Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 118,740,770
CSCI COSCIENS Biopharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 580,000
CSLLY ADR (Sponsored)/CSL Ltd 1.39% Biotechnology $ 0
CSPCY ADR/CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 5.11% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CSPHF USD Shs/Cstone Pharmaceuticals N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CSSI Costas Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,682
CSWYF Ord/China Shineway Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 7.39% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CSWYY ADR/China Shineway Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 7.52% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CTABF Canntab Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CTBO Cantabio Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 23,230
CTLT Catalent Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,447,961,840
CTMX CytomX Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 86,867,490
CTNM Cl A/Contineum Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 266,485,820
CTST CannTrust Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CTTH CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,044,500
CTXR Citius Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 20,168,910
CUBT Curative Biotechnology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CUE Cue Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 59,549,000
CURLF Com Accd Inv/Curaleaf Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CVAC Ord/CureVac NV N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 570,256,760
CVALF Covalon Technologies Ltd. N/A Biotechnology $ 217,999,976
CVHIF Ventura Cannabis & Wellness Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 32
CVKD Cadrenal Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 18,580,800
CVM Com Par $0.01 (New)/CEL-SCI Corporation N/A Biotechnology $ 42,430,170
CVSI CV Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,034,646
CWBHF Charlotte's Web Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 17,148,729
CWBR CohBar Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,569,780
CXBS Corix Bioscience Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 25
CXUS Celexus Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 17
CYBN Cybin Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
CYCC Com Par $.001 (New) 2023/Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,270,236
CYCCP 6% Pfd Conv Exchangeable/Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc 10.34% Pharmaceuticals $ 11,872,600
CYCN Cyclerion Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 9,295,300
CYDI Cybrdi Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 324,608
CYDY CytoDyn, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 168,338,196
CYIG Spring Pharmaceutical Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,336,787
CYPS Cyclo3pss Corp. N/A Biotechnology $ 40
CYRX Com Par $0.001/CryoPort Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 379,978,280
CYT Cyteir Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 108,713,960
CYTH Cyclo Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 16,682,563
CYTHW Wt Exp 11/14/2025/Cyclo Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
CYTK Cytokinetics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,741,381,100
CYTO Ord Par $ 0.002 (New)/Altamira Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 12,586
CYYNF Cynata Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
DARE Dare Bioscience Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 27,666,000
DAWN Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,285,786,500
DBCCF Decibel Cannabis Co Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,508,261
DBDIF Wesana Health Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
DBVT Sponsored ADR (New)/DBV Technologies, Boulogne-Billancourt N/A Biotechnology $ 0
DBVTF DBV Technologies, Boulogne-Billancourt N/A Biotechnology $ 75,641,351
DCGNQ deCODE genetics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 432,327
DCPH Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,212,920,840
DDXSQ diaDexus Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 410
DERM Journey Medical Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 75,790,100
DGEN Deltagen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,885
DHBUF Delivra Health Brands Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,953,104
DHR Danaher Corp 0.45% Biotechnology $ 169,655,174,750
DLTNF Delta 9 Cannabis Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,079
DMAC DiaMedica Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 230,054,180
DMK DMK Pharmaceuticals Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,343,664
DMKPQ Com Par $0.001/DMK Pharmaceuticals Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 10
DMPHF Dermapharm Holding SE N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
DMTK DermTech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,286,522
DMTKQ DermTech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 35
DMTKW Wt Exp 08/29/2024/DermTech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
DNAG DNAPrint Genomics Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 645
DNDT DND Technologies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 23,056
DNLI Denali Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,288,500,050
DNOVF Deinove N/A Biotechnology $ 0
DNTH Dianthus Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 698,918,740
DOMH Dominari Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 9,665,040
DOSED Doseology Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
DRMA Com Par $/Dermata Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,224,690
DRMAW Wt/Dermata Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
DRRX Durect Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 23,281,500
DRUG Bright Minds Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 97,047,000
DSGN Design Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 317,077,600
DSKYF Ord/Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 1.42% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
DSNKY ADR Level 1 (Sponsored)/Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd 1.17% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
DTCFF Cl A/Defence Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
DTIL Precision Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 41,730,240
DVAX Dynavax Technologies Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,703,656,800
DWTX Dogwood Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,143,520
DXBRF BellRock Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
DYAI Dyadic International Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 48,230,070
DYMDF Diaymd Med AB (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
DYN Dyne Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,618,439,180
EAHGF Eco Animal Health Group Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EAPH Easton Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EAPIF Ord/Euroapi SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EBOSF EBOS Group Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EBOSY ADR/EBOS Group Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EBS Emergent BioSolutions Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 459,480,320
ECGS Eco Growth Strategies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EDIT Editas Medicine Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 118,869,120
EDSA Edesa Biotech Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,286,517
EDTXF Spectral Medical Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 28,192,500
EFTR Com(New)/eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 941
EFTRW Wt Exp 08/26/2026/eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
EGRX Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,740,250
EIGR Eiger BioPharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,554,725
EIGRQ Eiger BioPharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 12,588,500
ELAB Elevai Labs Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,926,520
ELAN Elanco Animal Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,981,671,300
ELAXU 5.00% Tangible Equity Units 02/01/2023/Elanco Animal Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ELDN Eledon Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 261,656,820
ELEV Elevation Oncology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 37,597,963
ELOX Com New/Eloxx Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3
ELTP Elite Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 526,124,453
ELTX Elicio Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 54,710,370
ELUT Cl A Com/Elutia Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 125,230,860
ELVN Enliven Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,131,085,850
ELYM Eliem Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 342,676,600
EMGE Emergent Health Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EMMA Emmaus Life Sciences Inc (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 427,902
ENDP Ord/Endo International plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 68,802,842
ENDPQ Endo International plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 141,132
ENDV Com Par $0.001/Endonovo Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 223,126
ENDVD Endonovo Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,154,440
ENGN Engene Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 268,833,280
ENGNW Wt Exp/Engene Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ENLV Ord/Enlivex Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 17,505,600
ENOB Enochian Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 49,541,400
ENSC Com Par $0.0001/Ensysce Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,328,480
ENTA Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 127,799,820
ENTO Com Par $0.0001 (New)/Entero Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,775,861
ENTX Ord/Entera Bio Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 79,557,120
ENVB Enveric Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,615,008
ENZC Enzolytics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,469,396
ENZN Enzon Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 8,441,956
EOFBF Ord Fully Paid/Ecofibre Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
EOFBY Ecofibre Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
EOLS Evolus Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 728,824,710
EPIX ESSA Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 72,765,160
EPRSQ EPIRUS Biopharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 26
EPRX Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 122,653,551
EPYFF ePlay Digital Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EQ Equillium Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 24,975,312
ERAS Erasca Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 723,781,120
ERBB American Green Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ERGO Entia Biosciences Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 6,732
ERNA Eterna Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 14,847,375
ESPR Esperion Therapeutics Inc (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 443,328,750
ETBI Eastgate Biotech Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,258,957
ETNB 89bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 816,108,940
ETON Eton Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 319,074,600
ETPPF E-Therapeutics PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ETRGF Entourage Health Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ETST Earth Science Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 36,436,320
ETXPF Ord/E-Therapeutics PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EUOT Com New/Eurotech Ltd. N/A Biotechnology $ 108
EVAHD EGF Theramed Health Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EVAHF EGF Theramed Health Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EVAX ADR/Evaxion Biotech A/S N/A Biotechnology $ 0
EVFM Com Par $0.0001/Evofem Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 973,191
EVLO Evelo Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,572
EVNNF Eviana Health Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
EVO ADS (Sponsored)/Evotec SE N/A Biotechnology $ 0
EVOK Com Par $0.0001/Evoke Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,999,060
EVOTF Ord/Evotec SE N/A Biotechnology $ 1,016,556,260
EVTCY ADS (Sponsored)/Evotec SE N/A Biotechnology $ 0
EWOOF Eastwood Bio-Medical Canada Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 46,724,857
EWTX Edgewise Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,615,310,180
EXAS EXACT Sciences Corp. N/A Biotechnology $ 11,335,905,000
EXDID Panacea Life Sciences Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,074,000
EXEL Exelixis Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 10,003,832,370
EYEN Eyenovia Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 7,217,907
EYPT EyePoint Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 509,152,460
FAMDF Ord/Futura Medical Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
FATE Fate Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 208,426,020
FBIO Fortress Biotech Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,648,380
FBIOP 9.375% Cum Red Perp Pfd Ser A/Fortress Biotech Inc 33.58% Pharmaceuticals $ 23,920,460
FBLG FibroBiologics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 76,942,980
FBRX Forte Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 843,632,300
FBSBF 4basebio AG N/A Biotechnology $ 0
FDMT 4D Molecular Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 300,482,000
FENC Fennec Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 165,963,600
FFNTF Com Sub Vtg/4Front Ventures Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,257,214
FGEN FibroGen Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 33,546,333
FGHFF Forte Group Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
FGHQF HKD Shs/Frontage Holdings Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 0
FHAI Fountain Healthy Aging, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 682,433,920
FHTX Foghorn Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 294,642,900
FIORF Fiore Cannabis Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
FITX Creative Edge Nutrition Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 341
FLGC Flora Growth Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 17,377,100
FLHLF Filament Health Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
FLONF Flower One Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
FLOOF Flower One Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
FLWPF Flowr Corp (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 86
FNAM Evolutionary Genomics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,324
FNCH Finch Therapeutics Group Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 19,272,000
FNNZF FinCanna Capital Corp (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
FOLD Amicus Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,796,824,160
FORU ForU Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 258
FPHAF Faron Pharmaceuticals Oy N/A Biotechnology $ 0
FPMI FluoroPharma Medical Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,426
FPSUF Capha Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11
FRES Sponsored ADR (New) 2024/Fresh2 Group Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
FRLI Frelii Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 53
FRPRF 4D Pharma PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 27,871,216
FRTX Fresh Tracks Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 4,479,750
FSDDD FSD Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
FSDDF FSD Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
FTRE Fortrea Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,794,000,000
FULC Fulcrum Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 213,598,440
FVPI FV Pharma International Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 22,468,750
FWBI Com Par $0.0001/First Wave BioPharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,998,000
FWPAD Forward Pharma A/S N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GALT Galectin Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 132,427,820
GANX Gain Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 43,235,750
GBIM GlobeImmune, Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6
GBIO Generation Bio Co N/A Biotechnology $ 77,419,560
GDNPF Good Natured Products Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 223,732
GDTC Ord/CytoMed Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GEATF Radiko Holdings Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9
GEDSF Chemical Works Of Richter Gedeon Plc 4.38% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
GELS Gelteq Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
GENSF Genus Plc (United Kingdom) 1.94% Biotechnology $ 0
GENSY Genus Plc (United Kingdom) 1.23% Biotechnology $ 0
GERN Geron Corp. N/A Biotechnology $ 2,333,373,860
GERNW Wt Pur Com Exp 12/31/2025/Geron Corp. N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GFGVF Fast Line Holding Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 20,597
GGBXF Green Growth Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
GGNNW Genocea Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GHIL Green & Hill Industries Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
GHRS Ord/GH Research PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 378,129,960
GIFLF Ord Cl A/Grifols SA, Barcelona N/A Biotechnology $ 4,069,541,500
GIFOF Ord Cl B/Grifols SA, Barcelona N/A Biotechnology $ 2,164,599,000
GIKLY ADR (Sponsored)/Grifols SA, Barcelona N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GILD Gilead Sciences Inc 3.35% Biotechnology $ 114,475,763,430
GLAXF Ord GBP0.25/GSK plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 72,506,198,160
GLDFF Chalice Brands Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
GLPG ADR (Sponsored)/Galapagos NV N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GLPH Gala Pharmaceutical Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 106,221
GLSHQ Com Par Value $0.0001/Gelesis Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 28
GLSI Greenwich LifeSciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 177,588,950
GLSWQ Gelesis Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GLTO COM/GALECTO INC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,690,360
GLUE Monte Rosa Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 464,463,720
GLYC GlycoMimetics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 15,398,779
GMAB ADR (Sponsored)/Genmab A/S N/A Biotechnology $ 765,048,100
GMDA Ord/Gamida Cell Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 5,037,468
GMDAQ Gamida Cell Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 2,618,221
GNBT Com Par $0.001/Generex Biotechnology Corp (DE) N/A Biotechnology $ 71,068
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp (DE) N/A Biotechnology $ 118
GNCA Genocea Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,997,984
GNCAQ Genocea Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 59
GNFT ADS/GENFIT SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 19,099,500
GNFTF GENFIT SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 215,828,400
GNIIF GNI Group Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
GNLKQ GeneLink Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 265
GNLX Genelux Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 80,473,540
GNMLF Ord Cl B/Genomma Lab Internacional SAB De CV N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
GNMSF Ord/Genmab A/S N/A Biotechnology $ 8,948,520,000
GNNSF Ord/Genscript Biotech Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GNPX Genprex Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 9,869,280
GNRRF GeNeuro SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
GNTA ADS (Sponsored)/Genenta Science SpA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GNWSD Stagezero Life Sciences Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 1,048,320
GNWSF Stagezero Life Sciences Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 552,960
GOSS Gossamer Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 210,741,720
GOVX Com Par $0.001 (New) 2024/GeoVax Labs Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 22,174,600
GOVXW Wt Exp 01/01/2025/GeoVax Labs Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GPCR Sponsored ADR/Structure Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 4,368,562,500
GPFT Grapefruit USA Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 502,181
GPHG Global Pharm Holdings Group Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 59,653
GRAY CalciMedica Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,470,000
GRCE Grace Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 36,301,200
GRCL ADR (Sponsored)/Gracell Biotechnologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GRDN Guardian Pharmacy Services Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
GRFS ADR (Sponsored) Repstg 1/2 Cl B Non Vtg (New)/Grifols SA, Barcelona N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GRI Com Par $0.0001co/GRI Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,146,400
GRPI GRUPO International Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,043
GRTS Gritstone bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,803,110
GRTSQ Gritstone bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,263,766
GRTX Galera Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,631,760
GRVE Groove Botanicals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 71,572
GSAC Gelstat Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 50,979
GSGTF GenSight Biologics SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
GSK Sponsored ADR (New)/GSK plc 4.54% Pharmaceuticals $ 103,090,193,500
GTBP Com Par $0.001/GT Biopharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,143,500
GTHR GeneThera, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 3,533
GYRE Gyre Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 900,607,360
GZPHF Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HALB Halberd Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,599,213
HALO Halozyme Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,096,000
HAVLD HAVN Life Sciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 419,156
HAVLF HAVN Life Sciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2
HAWPF Ord/Haw Par Corp., Ltd. 3.61% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HAWPY ADR Repstg 4 Shs/Haw Par Corp., Ltd. 2.67% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HBMBF HBM Healthcare Investments Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HBMK Hubei Minkang Pharmaceutical Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 365,323
HBPCD Helix BioPharma Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 12,266,249
HBPCF Helix BioPharma Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 6,102,938
HCAND Halo Collective Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 102
HCANF Com No Par/Halo Collective Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HCLC Health-Chem Corp. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 798
HCM ADR (Sponsored)/HUTCHMED (China) Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HCWB HCW Biologics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 13,502,811
HDRPF Ord Fully Paid/Epsilon Healthcare Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HEPA Hepion Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,105,220
HERTF Heritage Cannabis Holdings Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,787
HGEN Humanigen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 23,816
HGENQ Humanigen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 119
HKMPF Ord/Hikma Pharmaceuticals Plc 3.18% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HKMPY ADR (Sponsored)/Hikma Pharmaceuticals Plc 3.15% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HLBBF Almindelig Aktie B Shs/H. Lundbeck A/S (Denmark) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HLMB Swiftsure International Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,963
HLN ADR/Haleon Plc 1.63% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HLNCF Ord GBP1.25/Haleon Plc 1.69% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HLTRF HLS Therapeutics Inc (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 48,945,600
HLUBF Almindelig Aktie/H. Lundbeck A/S (Denmark) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HLUKF Ord/H. Lundbeck A/S (Denmark) 1.20% Pharmaceuticals $ 5,104,270,000
HLVX HilleVax Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 97,619,760
HMDCF HUTCHMED (China) Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HMTXD Hemostemix Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,741,816
HMTXF Hemostemix Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 163,330
HOFBF Hofseth Biocare ASA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
HOOK HOOKIPA Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 20,565,150
HOPHF Ord GBP 0.01/Hemogenyx Pharmaceuticals PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
HOTH Hoth Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,592,240
HOWL Werewolf Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 73,528,950
HRMY Harmony Biosciences Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,847,234,090
HROW Harrow Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,264,332,500
HRPMF Herantis Pharma Oy N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HRTX Heron Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 243,352,000
HSIC Schein (Henry) Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,900,396,800
HSITF Hadasit Bio Holdings Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
HSTC HST Global Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 34,610,806
HSTCD HST Global Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 551,680
HSTO Histogen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 118,121
HSTRF Yourway Cannabis Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HTSUF Ord/Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co Inc 2.38% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HTSUY ADR/Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co Inc 3.01% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HUMA Humacyte Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 516,021,900
HUMAW Wt/Humacyte Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
HUMDF Hua Medicine N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
HURA Tuhura Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,789,400
HXBM Helix Biomedix Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 763,202,000
HYBT Hongchang International Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 54,944,203
HYBTD Heyu Biological Technology Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 77,424,925
HYPMY ADR (Sponsored)/Hypera SA 4.61% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IBIO Com Par $0.001 (New)/iBio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 21,134,190
IBO Impact Biomedical Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IBRX ImmunityBio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,999,904,970
IBXNF IBEX Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 23,070,000
ICCC ImmuCell Corp. N/A Biotechnology $ 43,847,040
ICCO Intercare DX, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 71,654
ICLR Ord/Icon Plc N/A Biotechnology $ 10,987,822,200
ICOTD Satellos Bioscience Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 35,098,669
ICOTF Satellos Bioscience Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 30,852,253
ICPT Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 794,694,000
ICVX Icosavax Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 766,877,900
IDRSF Reg Shs/Idorsia AG N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IDYA IDEAYA Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,128,076,390
IFRX Ord/InflaRx NV N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 66,618,080
IFTBF Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IGC IGC Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 32,056,141
IGEX Indo Global Exchange Pte LTD N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,074,359
IGMS IGM Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 244,332,090
IGXT IntelGenx Technologies Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 29,167,886
IHTI Integrative Health Technologies, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 41
IKNA Ikena Oncology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 79,625,700
IKT Inhibikase Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 231,143,920
ILMN Illumina Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 22,817,782,000
IMAB ADS (Sponsored)/I-Mab N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 7,407,000
IMCR ADS/Immunocore Holdings PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
IMGN ImmunoGen, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 8,315,424,720
IMMB Immunotech Laboratories Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 55
IMMG Immage Biotherapeutics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 152
IMMP ADR (Sponsored)/Immutep Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 21,385,800
IMMPF Immupharma PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IMMX Immix Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 56,116,320
IMNM Immunome Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 785,205,860
IMNN Com Par $ (New) 2022/Imunon Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 12,246,095
IMNPQ Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 49,313
IMPL Impel Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 358,500
IMRN ADR (Sponsored)/Immuron Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IMRX Cl A/Immuneering Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 50,766,750
IMTX Ord/Immatics NV N/A Biotechnology $ 453,573,890
IMTXW Wt Exp 07/01/2025/Immatics NV N/A Biotechnology $ 0
IMUC Com par $0.0001/EOM Pharmaceutical Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 746,354
IMUCD ImmunoCellular Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 1,299,830
IMUND Immune Therapeutics Inc (FL) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,530,500
IMUX Immunic Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 101,789,270
IMV IMV Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,524,413
IMVIQ IMV Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 4
IMVT Immunovant Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,857,509,800
INAB IN8bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 20,643,158
INAN InterNatural Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
INBP Integrated Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,571,800
INBX Inhibrx Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 211,639,120
INCPF Innocare Pharma Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
INCR Ord/Intercure Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 56,286,269
INCY Incyte Corporation N/A Biotechnology $ 13,206,157,500
INDP Indaptus Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 10,197,000
INDV Ord USD 0.5/Indivior PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,667,468,400
INFIQ Infinity Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 91
INKT MiNK Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 24,362,800
INM Com No Par/InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,508,420
INMB Com Accd Inv/INmune Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 105,317,000
INNBF Innovative Pharmaceutical Biotech Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
INNMF Ord Fully Paid/Amplia Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
INNPF Innocan Pharma Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
INO Com Par $0.001/Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 60,236,480
INRLF Ord/Valneva SE N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
INSM Insmed Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 12,814,821,890
INTI Inhibitor Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 12,751,976
INTP Integrated Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 47
INTS Intensity Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 28,568,080
INVA Innoviva Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,162,401,960
INVVY ADR (Sponsored)/Indivior PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
INXB Inhibrx Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
INZY Inozyme Pharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 194,647,200
IOBT IO Biotech Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 53,363,610
IONS Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,352,784,710
IOVA Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,386,435,230
IPA ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 6,672,201
IPAH Interpharm Holdings,Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 67
IPATD ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 6,372,000
IPATF ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 11,033,000
IPCIF Intellipharmaceutics International Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 24
IPHA ADS (Sponsored)/Innate Pharma SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 16,105,660
IPHYF Shs Nom Cat A/Innate Pharma SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 229,059,400
IPIX Cl A Com/Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 154,204
IPSC Century Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 103,735,380
IPSEF Ord/Ipsen SA 1.04% Pharmaceuticals $ 10,536,470,910
IPSEY ADR (Sponsored)/Ipsen SA 1.14% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IQV IQVIA Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 36,129,390,000
IRBS IR Biosciences Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 17
IRD Opus Genetics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 32,199,360
IRON Disc Medicine Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,930,996,620
IRWD Com Cl A/Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 564,898,840
ISCO International Stem Cell Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 600,300
ISEE IVERIC bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,504,430,850
ISHI Islet Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ISOLF Isodiol International Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ITCI Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,802,591,510
ITHUF iAnthus Capital Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 34,367,984
ITMC Itoco Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 4
ITNS Itonis Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 62,465
ITOS iTeos Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 280,488,960
ITRM Ord (New)/Iterum Therapeutics plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 49,528,800
IUGNF Ord/Imugene Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
IVA ADR/Inventiva SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 18,321,100
IVBIY Innovent Biologics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
IVBXF Ord USD/Innovent Biologics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
IVEVF Inventiva SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 140,613,200
IVITF Invictus MD Strategies Corp (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IVIXD Invion Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IVIXF Invion Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
IVRN Innoveren Scientific Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 188
IVRO Invitro International N/A Biotechnology $ 1,332,660
IVVD Invivyd Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 65,429,952
IXHL Incannex Healthcare Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 32,815,980
IXSBF InNexus Biotechnology Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 70
IYXI Inyx Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 53
IZQVF Indivior PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,022,196,400
IZTC Invizyne Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
JAGX Com Par $0.001(New) 2024/Jaguar Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,957,301
JAN JanOne Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 20,016,480
JANX Janux Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,187,742,040
JAZZ Ord/Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 7,438,383,200
JCRRF Ord/JCR Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
JNJ Johnson & Johnson 3.35% Pharmaceuticals $ 353,005,684,260
JSPR Jasper Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 309,020,600
JSPRW Wt Exp 12/01/2026/Jasper Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
JUNS Jupiter Neurosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 115,836,270
JUPW Jupiter Wellness Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 14,330,560
JUPWW Wt Exp 10/01/2025/Jupiter Wellness Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
JUSHF Cl B Sub Vtg/Jushi Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 688,071
JUVAF Juva Life Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 126
JWCTF JW (Cayman) Therapeutics Co Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
KA Kineta Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,045,171
KALA KALA BIO Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 28,489,800
KALTD Claritas Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 10,938,259
KALTF Claritas Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,891,360
KALV KalVista Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 429,442,420
KALY Kali Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3
KANT Kineta Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 9,312,230
KAPA Kairos Pharma Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KARBF Karo Pharma Aktiebolag N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KAST Kasten Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 35
KAYS Kaya Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,259,662
KBBTF Ord/Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KBPH Kyto Technology & Life Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 13,288,000
KBYPF Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KDEVF Karolinska Development AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
KDNY Chinook Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,900,203,950
KGET CaliPharms Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,013
KHRNF Khiron Life Sciences Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 47
KHRWF Khiron Life Sciences Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KHTRF Knight Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KKPCF Kaken Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (Japan) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KLDO Kaleido Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 43
KMDA Ord/Kamada Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 262,641,410
KMPH KemPharm Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 200,474,050
KMPHD KemPharm Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 37,405,500
KNBIF Kane Biotech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,642,240
KNSA Cl A Ord/Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals International plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 839,653,400
KNTE Kinnate Biopharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 124,849,450
KOD Kodiak Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 445,725,280
KOVR Korver Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KPHMW Kiora Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KPRX Com Par $0.01/Kiora Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,963,320
KPTI Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 87,720,500
KRBP Kiromic BioPharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,468,700
KRON Kronos Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 59,128,146
KROS Keros Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 762,746,810
KRTL KRTL Holding Group, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KRTX Karuna Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 12,582,354,840
KRYS Krystal Biotech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 4,706,450,040
KSPHF Kissei Pharmaceutical Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KTTA Pasithea Therapeutics Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,354,900
KTTAW Wt Exp 08/12/2026/Pasithea Therapeutics Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KURA Kura Oncology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 748,867,320
KYKOF Ord/Kyowa Kirin Co Ltd 2.42% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KYKOY ADR/Kyowa Kirin Co Ltd 2.41% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KYMR Kymera Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,728,549,450
KYRNF Kyorin Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
KYTX Kyverna Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 190,820,240
KZIA ADR (Sponsored)/Kazia Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 866,200
KZR Kezar Life Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 49,248,000
LABFF Laboratorios Farmaceuticos Rovi, SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LABP Landos Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 71,679,180
LACQW Wt Exp 06/30/2022/Ensysce Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LADX Com Par $.001 (New) 2023/LadRx Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 973,913
LADXD LadRx Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 2,250,000
LANRF Lancaster Resources Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LAXAF Laxai Pharma Ltd. N/A Biotechnology $ 6,338
LBLTF Lattice Biologics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LBPS 4D Pharma PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LBPSW 4D Pharma PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LBTSF Almirall SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LCAR Lescarden Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 64
LCIN Lannett Co., Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 164,490
LCINQ Lannett Co., Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 319,627
LCTX Lineage Cell Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 95,551,522
LEGN ADS (Sponsored)/Legend Biotech Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,671,135,600
LENZ Lenz Therapeutics Inc New N/A Biotechnology $ 851,582,090
LEXTD Lexston Life Sciences Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LEXTF Lexston Mining Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LEXX Com Par $0.001 (New)/Lexaria Bioscience Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 39,094,720
LEXXW Wt Exp 01/11/2026/Lexaria Bioscience Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LFCYF Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A S N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LGND Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,209,014,450
LGNDV Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LGNDZ Roche Contingent Value Rt/Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LGNXZ Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LGNYZ General Contingent Value Rt/Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LGNZZ Tr Beta Contingent Value Rt/Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LGVN Cl A (New)/Longeveron Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 23,947,500
LGVNV Longeveron Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LIAN ADS (Sponsored)/LianBio 1,489.03% Biotechnology $ 0
LIANY ADS (Sponsored)/LianBio 1,756.66% Biotechnology $ 0
LIBFD Nova Mentis Life Science Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 694,820
LIBFF Nova Mentis Life Science Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 760,970
LIFE aTyr Pharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 131,120,900
LIPO Lipella Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,070,860
LIXT Com Par $0.001/Lixte Biotechnology Holdings, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 4,464,490
LIXTW Wt Exp 01/01/2025/Lixte Biotechnology Holdings, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LJUIF SSY Group Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LKYSF Numinus Wellness Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,174,080
LLY Lilly (Eli) & Co 0.66% Pharmaceuticals $ 749,124,241,920
LMNL Liminal Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 25,449,000
LNGNF Lng Energy Group Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,265,522
LNTH Lantheus Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,467,401,540
LPCN Lipocine Inc (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 26,846,960
LPCUF Lee's Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LPTX Leap Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 113,038,100
LRMR Larimar Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 393,689,190
LSB Ord/LakeShore Biopharma Co., Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LSBPW Wt Exp/LakeShore Biopharma Co., Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LSDI Lucy Scientific Discovery Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 906,520
LSDIF Lucy Scientific Discovery Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,820
LSTA Com Par $0.00001/Lisata Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 21,465,600
LTRN Lantern Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 37,154,325
LTUS Lotus Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 45,201
LUFFD Herbal Dispatch Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 277
LUFFF Com ( New)/Herbal Dispatch Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,772
LVCLF Algorae Pharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LVCNF 1 CM Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LVGI Limitless Venture Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LVGID Limitless Venture Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LVTTF Levitee Labs Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
LVTX Ord/LAVA Therapeutics NV N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 28,140,720
LVZPF Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LXEO Lexeo Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 227,494,080
LXRX Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 292,916,968
LYEL Lyell Immunopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 188,139,110
LYPHF Luye Pharma Group Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
LYRA Lyra Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,952,631
LZAGF Namen-Akt/Lonza Group AG 0.73% Biotechnology $ 0
LZAGY ADR/Lonza Group AG 0.61% Biotechnology $ 0
MACK Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 223,742,440
MAHLY ADR/Medipal Holdings Corp 2.55% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MAIA MAIA Biotechnology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 50,664,000
MALG Microalliance Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 36,619,892
MBCI MabCure Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 64
MBGNF Many Bright Ideas Technologies Incorporation N/A Biotechnology $ 172,580
MBGPF Share AK/Moberg Pharma AB Public N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
MBGRF Moberg Pharma AB Public N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
MBIO Mustang Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,072,536
MBRX Com Par $0.001/Moleculin Biotech Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,964,640
MBX MBX Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 632,917,980
MBXBF Microbix Biosystems Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 13,429,680
MCET MultiCell Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,001
MCK McKesson Corp 0.46% Pharmaceuticals $ 73,147,905,600
MCRB Seres Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 150,010,407
MCRT Microart Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
MCUIF RISE Life Science Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 6,669
MCUJF Medicure Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 7,175,700
MDBIF TrivarX Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
MDCL Medicine Man Technologies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 75,910,700
MDCLF Medincell N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MDCN Medican Enterprises Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 135
MDDVF Medical Developments International Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MDGL Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,641,145,000
MDIN MedGen Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 42
MDNA Medicenna Therapeutics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 7,663,955
MDNAF Medicenna Therapeutics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 60,994,343
MDWD Ord (New)/Mediwound Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 159,171,740
MDXG MiMedx Group Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,346,025,360
MDXH Ord/MDxHealth SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
MEDIF MediPharm Labs Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,359,015
MEDP Medpace Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 10,752,196,260
MEDXF Medexus Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 29,949,126
MEIP Com Par$/MEI Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 17,990,100
MEOBF Mesoblast Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 601,468,500
MEPDF Ord/Medipal Holdings Corp 2.80% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MESO Sponsored ADR/Mesoblast Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MGCLF Ord/Argent BioPharma Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MGGI Magicstem Group Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 3,329,950
MGNX MacroGenics, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 200,841,600
MGON Com Par $0.001/Megola, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,679
MGTX Ord/MeiraGTx Holdings PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 478,296,360
MGWFD Maple Leaf Green World Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,090,630
MGWFF Maple Leaf Green World Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 322,713
MGX Metagenomi Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 121,253,760
MHTX Manhattan Scientifics, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 419,461
MILFF 1 CM Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MIRA Mira Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 18,548,320
MIRM Mirum Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,037,332,200
MIST Milestone Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 95,990,400
MITPF Mithra Pharmaceuticals SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MJARF MJardin Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MJNA Medical Marijuana Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 26
MKGAF Ord/Merck KGaA (Germany) 1.57% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MKKGY ADR (Sponsored)/Merck KGaA (Germany) 1.07% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MLCG ML Capital Group Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MLCT Range Impact Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 23,144,667
MLLCF Namen Akt/Molecular Partners AG N/A Biotechnology $ 0
MLLNF Malin Corp Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MLPH Molecular Pharmacology (USA) Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 112
MLTX MoonLake Immunotherapeutics N/A Biotechnology $ 3,237,705,760
MLYS Mineralys Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 592,251,100
MMJFD West Island Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MMJFF West Island Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MMNFQ Cl B/MedMen Enterprises Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,392
MNFSF ManifestSeven Holdings Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 88
MNK Mallinckrodt Plc New N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MNKD MannKind Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,803,588,120
MNKKQ Mallinckrodt Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,695,660
MNKPF Ord/Mallinckrodt Plc New N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MNKTQ Mallinckrodt Plc New N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MNMD Mind Medicine Mindmed Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 525,057,120
MNOV Medicinova Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 102,996,600
MNPR Monopar Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 133,955,640
MNZO Manzo Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5
MOLN ADR/Molecular Partners AG N/A Biotechnology $ 0
MOR ADS (Sponsored)/MorphoSys AG N/A Biotechnology $ 0
MPHMF Callitas Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 22
MPME Medisun Precision Medicine Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 6,442
MPSYF Ord/MorphoSys AG N/A Biotechnology $ 0
MREO ADR/Mereo BioPharma Group PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 385,100,320
MRK Merck & Co Inc 3.02% Pharmaceuticals $ 258,550,518,000
MRKR Marker Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 36,316,610
MRMD MariMed Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 49,855,760
MRNA Moderna Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 16,096,936,940
MRNS Marinus Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,502,881
MRPI Mera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 557
MRRCF Wayland Group Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MRSN Mersana Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 265,595,950
MRTX Mirati Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,117,687,600
MRUS Ord/Merus NV N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,932,313,120
MRVI Cl A/Maravai LifeSciences Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 804,255,480
MRVT Miravant Medical Technologies N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 38
MRZM Marizyme Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,612,755
MSCLF Satellos Bioscience Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 23,006,900
MSTH Mystic Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MTCR Metacrine Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 24,750,198
MTEM Molecular Templates Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,633,600
MTFBF Motif Bio Plc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,186,640
MTNB Matinas BioPharma Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,889,416
MTST MetaStat, Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 588
MTVA MetaVia Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 18,869,040
MURA Ord/Mural Oncology plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 62,098,400
MXCT MaxCyte Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 451,467,240
MYCOF Com New/Mydecine Innovations Group Inc (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MYGN Myriad Genetics, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 1,313,635,050
MYLNG Mylan Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MYMD MyMD Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,200,560
MYMX Mymetics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 152
MYMXD Mymetics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 39,596
MYNZ Ord/Mainz Biomed N V N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
MYRX Myrexis, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 241,353
NAMS Shs/NewAmsterdam Pharma Company N V N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,281,010,340
NAMSW Wt Exp/NewAmsterdam Pharma Company N V N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NATR Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 288,410,360
NAUT Nautilus Biotechnology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 244,849,800
NAVB Navidea Biopharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 10,008
NBIO Nascent Biotech Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 10,504,322
NBIX Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 12,827,994,900
NBRV Nabriva Therapeutics Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,545,420
NBRVF Ord (New) 2022/Nabriva Therapeutics Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3
NBSE NeuBase Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,409,562
NBTX ADS (Sponsored)/Nanobiotix SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
NBY Com Par $0.01 (New)/NovaBay Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,808,961
NCNA ADR (New)/NuCana Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NDVAF Indiva Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,276,819
NERV Minerva Neurosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 15,454,530
NEUN Neurogenesis Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,788
NEVPF Abliva AB N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NEXI NexImmune Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 320,850
NEXS Nexus Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 662,290
NGBL Notis Global Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 10,000
NGENF NervGen Pharma Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NGM NGM Biopharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 128,531,480
NGNE Neurogene Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 349,241,050
NGRC National Graphite Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 4,937,856
NHCZF Nihon Chouzai Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NHEL Natural Health Farm Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 162
NHKFF Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NICXF Nicox SA N/A Biotechnology $ 11,348,400
NKGN Nkgen Biotech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 17,673,928
NKGNW Wt Exp/Nkgen Biotech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
NKTR Nektar Therapeutics N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 186,302,580
NKTX Nkarta Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 165,131,460
NLSP Ord/NLS Pharmaceutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 506,150
NLSPW Wt Pur Ord Ser A Exp 09/25/2025/NLS Pharmaceutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NLTX Neurogene Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 273,857,720
NMDBD Neonmind Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,773,615
NMMCF Ord/NMC Health Plc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
NMRA Neumora Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,667,309,520
NMTR 9 Meters Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,044,012
NMTRQ 9 Meters Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14
NNBP Nanobac Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 250
NNBXF Nanobiotix SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 313,331,200
NNMXD Nanomix Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,310,000
NNVC Com Par $0.001/NanoViricides Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 21,721,960
NOBDF North Bud Farms Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
NONOF Cl B Ord/Novo-Nordisk AS 1.37% Pharmaceuticals $ 383,538,542,400
NOTV Inotiv Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 154,789,250
NOVN Novan Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,636,212
NOVNQ NVN Liquidation Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 28
NOXOF Noxopharm Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NPCUF Allon Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,852
NPHC Nutra Pharma Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 759,685
NPNKF Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 1.95% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NPPNY ADR/Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd 2.99% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NPTX Neuropathix Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 28,143
NRBO Com Par $0.001/NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 20,333,760
NRIFF Nuvo Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,905,405
NRIX Nurix Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,435,845,720
NRNVF Nordic Nanovector ASA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
NRSN Ord/NeuroSense Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NRSNW Wt/NeuroSense Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NRXP NRX Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,512,800
NRXPW Wt Exp 05/24/2026/NRX Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NRXS Neuraxis Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 17,310,400
NSHSD NanoSphere Health Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 20,528
NSHSF NanoSphere Health Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 289
NSPXD Rebus Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 689,438
NSTG NanoString Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,066,825
NSTGQ NanoString Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,453,188
NSTM NovelStem International Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 515,691
NTBL Ord/Notable Labs Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,394,466
NTBLQ Notable Labs Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 482,950
NTII Neurobiological Technologies, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 27
NTLA Intellia Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,313,852,100
NTME Netmed Inc (Ohio) N/A Biotechnology $ 14
NTRB Nutriband Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 45,978,840
NTRBW Wt/Nutriband Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NUGX NuGenerex Immuno-Oncology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 10,030
NUMIF Numinus Wellness Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 76,927
NURPF Ord/Neuren Pharmaceuticals Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NUVB Com Cl A/Nuvation Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 878,439,870
NUVB.WT Wt Exp 07/07/2027/Nuvation Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
NUVL Nuvalent Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,156,183,320
NVAX Novavax, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 1,459,285,350
NVCT Nuvectis Pharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 90,808,700
NVGNF Kazia Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 9,682,000
NVO ADR/Novo-Nordisk AS 0.96% Pharmaceuticals $ 738,592,422,000
NVS ADR (Sponsored)/Novartis AG Basel N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 292,795,293,920
NWBO Com Par $0.001/Northwest Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 379,502,955
NWKFF ePlay Digital Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NWPHF Newron Pharmaceuticals S.P.A. N/A Biotechnology $ 0
NXEN Nexien BioPharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 389,246
NXSCF Next Science Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
NXTC NextCure Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 30,247,560
OABI OmniAb Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 447,837,770
OABIW Wt Exp/OmniAb Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OASMY ADR/Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OBIO Orchestra BioMed Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 199,953,640
OBMPD OncBioMune Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 320,070
OBSEF Act Nom/ObsEva SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
OBSV Ord/ObsEva SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,858,895
OBSVF ObsEva SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,506,868
OCEL Zeo ScientifiX Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 21,983,880
OCELD Organicell Regenerative Medicine Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,647,150
OCGN Ocugen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 246,809,449
OCS Namen Akt/Oculis Holding AG N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OCSAW Wt Exp/Oculis Holding AG N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OCTHF Ord GBP 0.01/Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies Holdings Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
OCUL Ocular Therapeutix Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,366,215,730
OCUP Ocuphire Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 30,651,660
OCX Oncocyte Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 39,057,200
OGDGF Omega Diagnostics Group PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OGEN Com Par $0.001 (New)/Oragenics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 4,030,290
OGI Organigram Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 71,967,960
OGN Organon & Co 7.32% Pharmaceuticals $ 3,940,346,700
OKUR OnKure Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,773,820
OKYO Ord (New)/OKYO Pharma Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OLMA Olema Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 386,761,500
OMBP Omni Bio Pharmaceutical Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 40,463
OMER Omeros Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 442,158,500
OMGA Omega Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 53,649,654
OMHE Omni Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 976
OMMH Omnimmune Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 936
ONBI One Bio Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 25,413
ONCO Onconetix Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,334,590
ONCR Oncorus Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,287,970
ONCS OncoSec Medical Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 823,561
ONCSQ OncoSec Medical Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3
ONCT Oncternal Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,558,736
ONCX Oncolix Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 114
ONCY Oncolytics Biotech Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 37,561,471
ONPH Oncology Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ONPHD Oncology Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ONPPF Oncopeptides AB N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ONTTF Ord GBP 0.0001/Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ONTX Com Par $0.01 (New)/Onconova Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 20,904,286
ONVO Organovo Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,217,084
OPBXF OptiBiotix Health PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OPGN Com Par $0.01 (New) 2024/OpGen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 11,175,480
OPGX Optigenex Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OPHLF Ord/Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (Japan) 4.86% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
OPHLY ADR/Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (Japan) 4.84% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
OPK OPKO Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,085,147,970
OPT ADR (Sponsored) (New)/Opthea Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 30,225,000
OPTN OptiNose Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 71,040,930
ORGO Organogenesis Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 450,761,800
ORGS Orgenesis Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,272,380
ORIC Oric Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 601,230,840
ORINF Orion Corp (New) (Finaland) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ORINY ADR/Orion Corp (New) (Finaland) 3.82% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ORKA Oruka Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 767,878,060
ORMP Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 99,570,640
OROND Orion Nutraceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ORONF Orion Nutraceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ORPOF OSE Immunotherapeutics SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ORTIF Ortho Regenerative Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ORXOF Orexo AB N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ORXOY ADR (Sponsored)/Orexo AB N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ORYZF Ord/Oryzon Genomics SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
OSMT Osmotica Pharmaceuticals plc N/A Biotechnology $ 90,776,290
OSTX OS Therapies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 64,138,760
OTIC Otonomy Inc 1,294.12% Biotechnology $ 485,801
OTLC Oncotelic Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 12,218,700
OTLK Com Par $0.01/Outlook Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 35,010,880
OTSKF Ord/Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd. 1.41% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
OTSKY ADR/Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd. 1.42% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
OVATF Ovation Science Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
OVID Ovid Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 73,140,300
OVIT Oncovista Innovative Therapies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 4,712
OWPC One World Products Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,086,053
OXBDF Ord GBP 0.50/Oxford BioMedica Plc (United Kingdom) N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OXBOF Oxford BioDynamics PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OXFYY ADR/Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OXNXF Onxeo SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
OZYMD Orphazyme A/S N/A Biotechnology $ 3,150,000
PAHC Cl A Com/Phibro Animal Health Corp. 2.12% Pharmaceuticals $ 461,062,460
PAIOD Paion AG, Aachen N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PAIOF Ord/Paion AG, Aachen N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PALI Com Par $0.001/Palisade Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,354,100
PANC Panacos Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 54
PARD Poniard Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 150
PARDP Poniard Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 21
PARNF Ord/Parnell Pharmaceuticals Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 907,300
PARSD W World Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,053,500
PASG Passage Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 46,881,153
PATLF Patrys Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PBBIF Probi AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PBH Prestige Consumer Healthcare Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,066,031,500
PBIGF Ord/Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PBIO Pressure BioSciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 44,855
PBLA Com Par $0.001 New/Panbela Therapeutics Inc (New) N/A Biotechnology $ 1,560,640
PBM Psyence Biomedical Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 331,150
PBMWW Wt Exp/Psyence Biomedical Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PBYI Puma Biotechnology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 141,373,440
PCNEF Precision System Science Co., Ltd. N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PCRX Pacira BioSciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 916,082,220
PCSA Com Par $0.0001/Processa Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,626,370
PCVX Vaxcyte Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 9,790,429,200
PCYN Com. (New)/Procyon Corp. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,632,039
PDDPF Pediapharm Inc (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 47,482,120
PDSB PDS Biotechnology Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 68,832,560
PDSSF Paradise Entertainment Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PEPG PepGen Incorporation N/A Biotechnology $ 152,549,280
PERCF Percheron Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PFE Pfizer Inc 6.57% Pharmaceuticals $ 144,961,604,200
PFGTF Pacific Edge Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PFND Pathfinder Cell Therapy Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 667
PFSCF Liminal Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PGEN Precigen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 197,774,436
PHAR ADR/Pharming Group NV N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PHAS PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,495,046
PHASQ PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 50
PHAT Phathom Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 539,494,530
PHCUF Photocure ASA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PHGE BiomX Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 11,524,218
PHGE.WT Wt Exp 10/16/2024/BiomX Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PHGEW Wt Exp 10/16/2024/BiomX Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PHGUF Ord (New)/Pharming Group NV N/A Biotechnology $ 487,580,892
PHIO Com Par $0.0001 (New)/Phio Pharmaceuticals Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,964,550
PHMB Pharmacom Biovet Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3
PHMMF Ord (New)/Pharma Mar SA N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PHRRF PharmaTher Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PHRX Pharmagen Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 517
PHVS Ord/Pharvaris NV N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 561,549,600
PHYOF IXICO PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PIRS Pieris Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 17,952,000
PKBO Peak Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 520,313
PKBOW Wt Exp/Peak Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PKI PerkinElmer, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 14,567,718,880
PKPH Retrieve Medical Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 607,600
PKPHD Peak Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,568,000
PLNHF Planet 13 Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 194,372,545
PLPL Plandai Biotechnology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 27,980
PLRX Pliant Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 809,358,200
PLRZ Polyrizon Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PLSH Panacea Life Sciences Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,254,383
PLSI Phoenix Life Sciences International Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,076
PLUR Pluri Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 26,238,480
PLX Protalix BioTherapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 132,541,200
PLXPQ PLx Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 29
PMCB PharmaCyte Biotech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 13,207,880
PMCBD PharmaCyte Biotech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 14,310,000
PMDSF Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd. N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PMN ProMIS Neurosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,692,280
PMSNF Proteome Sciences Plc (United Kingdom) N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PMVP PMV Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 81,760,260
PMXSF Pharmaxis Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,057,390
PNTV Players Network (The) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,746,504
POLBF Poolbeg Pharma plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
POLXF Polydex Pharmaceuticals Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,102,978
PPBT ADR (Sponsored) Level 3/Purple Biotech Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PPCB Propanc Biopharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 263,040
PPCBD Propanc Biopharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 263,040
PPMD Protide Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 886,380
PPTDF Ord/PeptiDream Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PRAX Praxis Precision Medicines Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,308,014,840
PRED Predictive Technology Group Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 29,960
PREDQ Predictive Technology Group Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 300
PRFMD Profound Medical Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 38,256,800
PRFX PainReform Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 111,960
PRGBQ Protea Biosciences Group Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 794
PRGO Ord/Perrigo Company plc 4.02% Pharmaceuticals $ 3,744,591,750
PRLD Prelude Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 44,019,200
PRME Prime Medicine Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 377,743,680
PRNAF Ord Fully Paid/Alterity Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 7,502,461
PROC Ord/Procaps Group SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PROCW Wt Exp 09/29/2026/Procaps Group SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PROK Ord Cl A/ProKidney Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 293,830,730
PROT Proteonomix, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8
PRPH ProPhase Labs Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 15,541,974
PRQR Ord/ProQR Therapeutics N.V. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 153,193,560
PRRUF Immutep Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 152,585,804
PRTA Ord/Prothena Corp Plc N/A Biotechnology $ 688,217,110
PRTC ADS/PureTech Health PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,140,000
PRTG Shs (New)/Portage Biotech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,998,000
PRTX Protalex Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 615,225
PSCBF Nevis Brands Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,094,288
PSIQ Profile Solutions Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 100
PSNL Personalis Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 202,746,500
PSTTF Prescient Therapeutics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PSTV Com Par $0.001/Plus Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,487,920
PSTX Poseida Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 926,892,150
PTCHF Ord GBP 1/PureTech Health PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 614,652,750
PTCT PTC Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,576,286,250
PTE PolarityTE Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,777,616
PTEIQ RegenETP Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 626,960
PTGX Protagonist Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,448,285,840
PTIX Protagenic Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,363,525
PTIXW Wt Exp 04/13/2025/Protagenic Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
PTKFF Ord (New)/P.T. Kalbe Farma TBK 3.26% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PTKFY ADR/P.T. Kalbe Farma TBK 1.28% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PTLF Petlife Pharmaceuticals Inc (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 19,675
PTN Com Par $.01 (New)/Palatin Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 17,104,500
PTPI Petros Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,302,947
PULM Com Par $0.0001/Pulmatrix Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 20,999,000
PVCT Provectus Biopharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 53,795,840
PVTTF Pivotal Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PXMD PaxMedica Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 761,530
PXRB PixarBio Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 80
PXSLY Pharmaxis Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,410,080
PXXLF Poxel SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
PYXS Pyxis Oncology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 96,334,920
PZRXQ PhaseRx Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 12
QBIO Q BioMed Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 14,510
QGEN Shs (New)/Qiagen NV N/A Biotechnology $ 10,350,519,000
QLGN Qualigen Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,848,320
QLI Qilian International Holding Group Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 42,614,000
QNCX Quince Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 89,324,060
QNNTF Quantum Genomics N/A Biotechnology $ 0
QNRX Sponsored ADR (New)/Quoin Pharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
QNTA Quanta Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 40,659
QNTM Cl B Sub Vtg Shs/Quantum Biopharma Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
QPTFF Quest PharmaTech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 563,428
QRON Qrons Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,600,608
QRXPF QRxPharma Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
QSAM Telix QSAM Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 16,600,000
QSI Cl A/Quantum-Si Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 211,173,000
QSIAW Wt Exp 06/10/2026/Quantum-Si Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
QTTB Q32 Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 45,069,700
QURE Ord/uniQure N.V. N/A Biotechnology $ 750,642,200
RADX Radiopharm Theranostics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RAFA Rafarma Pharmaceuticals Inc WY N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RAIN Rain Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 44,014,960
RAMMF Ramm Pharma Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RANI Com Cl A/Rani Therapeutics Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 55,297,920
RAONF Race Oncology Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
RAPP Rapport Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 686,531,520
RAPT RAPT Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 31,811,780
RARE Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,219,313,700
RASP Actavia Life Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,087,244
RAYT Rayont Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 50
RBCC Rainbow Coral Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 12,672
RBSH Rebus Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,213
RCDTF Ord Post Raggruppamento/Recordati-Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica SpA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RCHA Rich Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 941,934
RCKT Rocket Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,095,707,140
RCKTW Wt Exp 09/02/2026/Rocket Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RCPHF Recipharm AB N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RCPIQ Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 17,045
RCUS Arcus Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 24,312,960
RDDTF Radient Technologies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 79,796
RDHL Level 2 Sponsored ADR Par/Redhill Biopharma Ltd, Ramat Gan N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RDY ADR/Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. 2.81% Pharmaceuticals $ 12,259,188,000
RECEF Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
REDIF Redhill Biopharma Ltd, Ramat Gan N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 236,306,320
REGN Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 79,033,053,600
RENB Enochian Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 279,341,920
REPCF RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 72,070
REPH Recro Pharma, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 103,255,920
REPL Replimune Group Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 858,633,350
REZNF Hash Corp (The) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RFMCD Refined Metals Corp. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RFMCF Refined Metals Corp. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RGBAD Pfd Ser A (New)/Regen BioPharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RGBOQ ReGen Biologics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 10
RGBP Regen BioPharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 450,800
RGBPD Regen BioPharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,011,530
RGBPP Pfd Ser A (New)/Regen BioPharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RGC Ord/Regencell Bioscience Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 67,381,860
RGDXQ Response Genetics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 39
RGEDF Ord/Chemical Works Of Richter Gedeon Plc 4.32% Pharmaceuticals $ 506,434,383
RGEN Repligen Corp. N/A Biotechnology $ 8,763,183,070
RGIN Regenicin, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 153
RGLS Com Par $0.001/Regulus Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 103,490,000
RGNX REGENXBIO Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 409,222,440
RGRXD RegeneRx Biopharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,010
RGTPQ PolarityTE Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 983,221
RHHBF Ord/Roche Holding Ltd 3.81% Pharmaceuticals $ 200,764,402,880
RHHBY ADR (Sponsored)/Roche Holding Ltd 3.81% Pharmaceuticals $ 244,219,312,000
RHHVF Divid Rts Ctfs/Roche Holding Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,996,859,460
RIGL Com Par $0.001/Rigel Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 333,099,650
RKVTF Rakovina Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
RLAY Relay Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 630,621,900
RLFFD Relief Therapeutics Holding SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RLFTD Sponsored ADR New 2023/Relief Therapeutics Holding SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RLFTY Ord (New)/Relief Therapeutics Holding SA N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RLMD Com Par $0.001 (New)/Relmada Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,073,858
RLYB Rallybio Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 44,807,040
RMHI Retrieve Medical Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 352,800
RMRK Rimrock Gold Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 234,228
RNA Avidity Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,876,349,410
RNAC Cartesian Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 474,879,275
RNAZ Com Par $0.0001/TransCode Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,880,660
RNUGF Ord GBP 0.01/Reneuron Group plc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
RNXT RenovoRx Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 30,721,280
ROIV Ord/Roivant Sciences Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 8,618,928,000
ROMJF Rubicon Organics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 12,626,240
ROSGQ Ord (New) 2017/Rosetta Genomics Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 15
ROTH PharmaRoth Labs, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 133
RPGLF Ord (New) US $0.20/Endurance RP Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RPRX Ord Cl A/Royalty Pharma plc 3.38% Pharmaceuticals $ 11,036,461,680
RPTX Repare Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 75,244,470
RSCF Reflect Scientific Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,786,349
RSPI Com Par $0.001/RespireRx Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 441,166
RSPID RespireRx Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,195,210
RTEZ Rest EZ Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 27,537,000
RTSL Rapid Therapeutic Science Laboratories Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,832
RTSLD Rapid Therapeutic Science Laboratories Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 22,466,300
RUBNF Ord/Arborgen Holdings Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
RUBY Rubius Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,152,686
RVLP Ord/RVL Pharmaceuticals plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,806,887
RVLPQ Ord/RVL Pharmaceuticals plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 100
RVMD Revolution Medicines Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,518,425,390
RVMDW Wt Exp/Revolution Medicines Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
RVNC Revance Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 323,098,160
RVPH Reviva Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 87,281,010
RVPHW Wt Exp 12/25/2025/Reviva Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
RVTY Revvity Inc 0.24% Biotechnology $ 14,299,691,780
RVVTF Revive Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 121,155
RVXCF Resverlogix Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 3,347,235
RXEI RXElite, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,971
RXMDD Progressive Care Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 15,228,850
RXRX Cl A/Recursion Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,943,233,900
RYTM Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,394,884,680
RZLT Rezolute Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 265,958,370
RZLTD Rezolute Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 120,340,990
SABS SAB Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 37,654,320
SABSW Wt Pur Com 10/22/2026/SAB Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SAGE Sage Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 329,416,605
SANA Sana Biotechnology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 421,978,410
SAVA Cassava Sciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 132,302,500
SBFM Com Par $0.001 July 2024/Sunshine Biopharma Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,091,000
SBFMW Wt Exp/Sunshine Biopharma Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SBHMY ADR/Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd 1.90% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SBIZF SymBio Pharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
SBLOF Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories Ltd Kagoshima N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SBMFF Ord/Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd 2.42% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SBMJF Dimerix Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SBTX Silverback Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 211,660,460
SBUDD SugarBud Craft Growers Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,676,030
SBUDF SugarBud Craft Growers Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SCGRF SECOS Group Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SCNI Sponsored ADR (New) May 2024/Scinai Immunotherapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 393,300
SCNLF Scancell Holdings PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SCNNF Goodbody Health Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SCPH scPharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 159,627,600
SCPS Scopus BioPharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 8,417
SCPX Com Par $0.0002 (New)/Scorpius Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,299,733
SCPXD Scorpius Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 172,593,280
SCYX SCYNEXIS, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 43,155,840
SDGR Schrodinger Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,326,766,850
SDMHF Ord (New)/Sartorius Stedim Biotech 0.38% Biotechnology $ 0
SDZNY Sponsored Ads/Sandoz Group AG 1.19% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SDZXF Shs/Sandoz Group AG 1.16% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SEEL Com Par Value $0.001/Seelos Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 145,080
SEELQ Seelos Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 109,740
SEER Cl A/Seer Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 141,738,480
SEOVF Sernova Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 8,250,020
SEPN Septerna Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 994,183,170
SEPSF Asep Medical Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SERA Cl A/Sera Prognostics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 279,296,620
SFOSF Registered\Shares H\CNY 1.00/Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SGBI Sangui Biotech International Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 314,853
SGIOF Ord/Shionogi & Co., Ltd. 4.88% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SGIOY ADR/Shionogi & Co., Ltd. 1.64% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SGLN SurgLine International Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,690
SGMO Sangamo Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 427,726,350
SGMT Cl A/Sagimet Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 134,663,250
SGTI Shengtai Pharmaceutical Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 10
SGTX Sigilon Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 56,489,580
SHEZF Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHIEF Ord GBP 0.015/Shield Therapeutics PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHJBF Reg Shs H 01877/Shanghai Junshi Biosciences Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHMN Sohm Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHNXY Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHOT Safety Shot Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 42,913,200
SHOTW Wt Exp/Safety Shot Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SHPH Com (NEW)/Shuttle Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,499,537
SHPHF Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd. 5.49% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHPMF Ord Cl H/Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd 5.33% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHPMY ADR Repstg Shs H/Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd 3.03% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHTDF Ord Cl H/Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. 4.81% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHTDY ADR/Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. 3.57% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SHWZ Medicine Man Technologies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 774,380
SIGA SIGA Technologies Inc 16.99% Pharmaceuticals $ 441,282,900
SIGGF Sigma Healthcare Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SIOX Sio Gene Therapies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 35,360,050
SKCZF Selcuk Ecza Deposu Ticaret Ve Sanayi AS N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SKLV Skye Life Ventures Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 827
SKYE Skye Bioscience Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 102,542,440
SKYED Skye Bioscience Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 9,715,000
SLDB Solid Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 189,501,450
SLGBF Good Natured Products Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 18,818,550
SLGL Ord/Sol-Gel Technologies Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,028,980
SLGWD SLANG Worldwide Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SLGWF SLANG Worldwide Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SLN ADR (Sponsored)/Silence Therapeutics Plc N/A Biotechnology $ 115,525,950
SLNCF Ord/Silence Therapeutics Plc N/A Biotechnology $ 166,612,000
SLNO Com Par/Soleno Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,815,711,120
SLRN ACELYRIN Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 324,052,980
SLRX Com Par $0.0001/Salarius Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,118,126
SLS SELLAS Life Sciences Group Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 61,380,142
SMDPY ADR/Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SMMT Summit Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 13,148,697,840
SNANF Sona Nanotech Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SNBIF SanBio Co Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SNBOY SanBio Co Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SNDL SNDL Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 163,553,520
SNDX Syndax Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,185,387,280
SNES Com Par New $0.001 2024/SenesTech Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,073,960
SNGX Com Par $.001 New 2024/Soligenix Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,928,691
SNNA Sienna Biopharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,197,306
SNNAQ Sienna Biopharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 31
SNNVF Sunniva Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SNPHF Ord/Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 2.08% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SNPHY ADR/Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 2.04% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SNPX Com Par $0.0001/Synaptogenix Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 376,600
SNSE Sensei Biotherapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,066,440
SNY ADR (Sponsored)/Sanofi 4.35% Pharmaceuticals $ 10,171,324,800
SNYNF Ord Shs/Sanofi 4.31% Pharmaceuticals $ 118,190,299,500
SOLCF SOL Global Investments Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,648,121
SOLTF Ord/Nxera Pharma Co Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SONN Com Par $0.0001/Sonnet BioTherapeutics Holdings Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 9,417,430
SOPH Ord/Sophia Genetics SA N/A Biotechnology $ 274,946,000
SPBBF SpeakEasy Cannabis Club Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SPHDF Santhera Pharmaceuticals Holdings Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SPHRF Ord/Starpharma Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SPHRY ADR (Sponsored)/Starpharma Holdings Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SPLIF Sub Vtg Sh/Vertical Peak Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SPRB Spruce Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 15,827,310
SPRC Ord (New)/SciSparc Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SPRO Spero Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 58,334,260
SPRY ARS Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,156,501,500
SRBCF Sirona Biochem Corp. N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SRNE Sorrento Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 826,922
SRNEQ Sorrento Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 16,538,430
SRPT Sarepta Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 11,797,727,860
SRRK Scholar Rock Holding Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 3,929,957,700
SRTOY ADR/Sartorius Stedim Biotech 0.20% Biotechnology $ 0
SRUTF Sproutly Canada Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SRZN Surrozen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 31,579,100
SRZNW Wt Exp 08/01/2032/Surrozen Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
STAB Statera Biopharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,466
STDAF Ord/Stada Arzneimittel AG 3.53% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
STHZF Com Sub Vtg/Statehouse Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
STLT Spotlight Innovation Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 36
STMH Stem Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 7
STMHD Stem Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 392,981
STOCF Stock Trend Capital Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
STOK Stoke Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 634,934,880
STRO Sutro Biopharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 174,813,080
STTK Shattuck Labs Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 54,423,600
SUPN Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,997,271,230
SUWN Sunwin Stevia International Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 19,963
SVRA Savara Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 550,896,990
SWGHF Sawai Group Holdings Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SWOBY ADR/Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB N/A Biotechnology $ 0
SWPIF Sawai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (Japan) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SWTX SpringWorks Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,848,983,800
SXTC Ord (New) No Par/China SXT Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 175,945
SXTP 60 Degrees Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,238,770
SXTPW Wt Exp/60 Degrees Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SYBX Synlogic Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 17,544,000
SYGGF Ord/Synairgen PLC N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
SYMQY SymBio Pharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
SYNI Synvista Therapeutics, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 259
SYRE Spyre Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,240,515,720
SYRS Syros Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,559,590
SYVC Synovics Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 30
SZLSF Stagezero Life Sciences Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 2,458
SZUKF Suzuken Co Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TAK ADR (Sponsored)/Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4.56% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TARA Protara Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 123,367,400
TARS Tarsus Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,006,917,500
TBET Tibet Pharmaceuticals, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 15
TBGNF Oxurion NV N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TBPH Ord/Theravance Biopharma, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 485,839,120
TBPMQ Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 117
TCBP Sponsed ADS 2024/TC BioPharm (Holdings) plc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
TCBPW Wt Pur Sponsored ADR/TC BioPharm (Holdings) plc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
TCCR TRICCAR Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 30,000,000
TCDA Tricida Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,267,024
TCDAQ Tricida Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 580
TCGGY ADR/Tecan AG (Switzerland) 0.64% Biotechnology $ 0
TCHBF Ord (New)/Tecan AG (Switzerland) 1.18% Biotechnology $ 0
TCNAF TransCanna Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TCNNF Com Sub Vtg Shs/Trulieve Cannabis Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 790,952,360
TCON Com Par $/TRACON Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 109,738
TCRT Com No Par/Alaunos Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,041,900
TCRX TScan Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 12,189,450
TDSGF Telo Genomics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 1,061,287
TECH Bio-Techne Corp 0.42% Biotechnology $ 12,004,434,000
TECX Tectonic Therapeutic Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 668,753,490
TELIF Telescope Innovations Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TELO Telomir Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 153,972,000
TENX Com Par $0.0001 (New)/Tenax Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 164,640
TERN Terns Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 571,639,470
TEVA ADR/Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,488,158,000
TEVJF Ord/Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 19,064,203,470
TFFP TFF Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 288,795
TGIFF 1933 Industries Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,952
TGLP Tongli Pharmaceuticals USA Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 441,840
TGRNF Tong Ren Tang Technologies Co Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
TGTX TG Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,984,393,300
THAR Com (Par)/Tharimmune Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,180,040
THCBF THC Biomed International Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
THER Theralink Technologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 615,150
THERF Theratechnologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 231,841,800
THRD Third Harmonic Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 507,353,080
THRPF Abionyx Pharma N/A Biotechnology $ 0
THRX Theseus Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 177,028,180
THTX Theratechnologies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 29,241,760
TIL Instil Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 143,376,220
TIZAF Ord (New)/Tiziana Life Sciences PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 194,612,000
TKBIF Takara Bio Inc, Ohtsu N/A Biotechnology $ 0
TKPHF Ord/Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd 4.73% Pharmaceuticals $ 22,969,895,760
TLGT Teligent Inc (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 16,103,750
TLGTQ Teligent Inc (New) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 18,563
TLLTF TILT Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,151,208
TLOG TetraLogic Pharmaceuticals Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,477
TLPH Talphera Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 11,068,850
TLPPF Ord Fully Paid/Telix Pharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TLRY Com Cl 2/Tilray Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,074,910,340
TLSA Ord/Tiziana Life Sciences Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 97,016,117
TLX Telix Pharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TMBR Timber Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 10,278
TMBRQ Trex Wind Down Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3
TMO Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 0.30% Biotechnology $ 201,535,425,000
TNFA TNF Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,654,200
TNGNQ Tengion Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 37
TNGX Tango Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 328,699,080
TNXP Com Par $0.001 (New) 2024/Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 718,133
TNYA Tenaya Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 216,944,750
TOKIF Optima Medical Innovations Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TOVX Com Par $.001 (New)/Theriva Biologics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,282,760
TOWTF Tower One Wireless Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 94
TPST Tempest Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 34,913,600
TRAA Traack Technologies Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 185,740
TRAW Com par $0.01 (New)/Traws Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,071,203
TRDA Entrada Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 660,837,200
TRGM Targeted Medical Pharma, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TRGNF Transgene S.A. N/A Biotechnology $ 0
TRIB ADR (Sponsored ) (New) Feb 2024/Trinity Biotech Plc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,797,330
TRLFD True Leaf Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TRML Tourmaline Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 559,273,830
TRPXD Therapix Biosciences Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TRSBF 3SBio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
TRSSF TerrAscend Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TRVI Trevi Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 302,708,640
TRVN Com Par $0.001/Trevena Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,278,720
TRXPF Torii Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TSBX Turnstone Biologics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 11,101,440
TSHA Taysha Gene Therapies Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 424,232,010
TSMRF Tsumura & Co. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TSNDF TerrAscend Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 175,782,339
TSOI Therapeutic Solutions International Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 331,095
TSSNF Tissue Regenix Group PLC N/A Biotechnology $ 0
TSVT 2seventy bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 168,692,760
TTNP Com Par $0.011 New/Titan Pharmaceuticals Inc (DE) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,253,840
TTNPW Wt Cl B Exp 10/18/2024/Titan Pharmaceuticals Inc (DE) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TTOO Com Par $0.001/T2 Biosystems Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 7,680,695
TVTX Travere Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,351,826,000
TWAPF Towa Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (Japan) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
TWST Twist Bioscience Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 2,819,410,000
TXAC Therapeutics Acquisition Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 0
TXMD TherapeuticsMD Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,069,040
TXTM Protext Mobility Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,990,652
TYRA Tyra Biosciences Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 756,008,820
UBX Unity Biotechnology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 18,869,760
UCBJF Ord/UCB S.A. 0.84% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
UCBJY ADR/UCB S.A. 0.49% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ULIHF United Laboratories International Holdings Ltd (The) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ULUR ULURU Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 201,349
ULURD ULURU Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 128,863,360,000
UMFGD Ridder Titan Genesis Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
UNBSF Uni-Bio Science Group Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
UNCY Unicycive Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 74,162,242
UNRVD Blum Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5,812,500
UPB Upstream Bio Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
UPC Ord (New)/Universe Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 179,760
URGN Ord/UroGen Pharma Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 478,958,650
USBC US Biotec Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
USRM US Stem Cell Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 642
UTHR United Therapeutics Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 16,153,007,450
VACC ADS (Sponsored)/Vaccitech Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VALN ADS (Sponsored)/Valneva SE N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VAXX Com Cl A/Vaxxinity Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 11,287
VBIV VBI Vaccines Inc (Canada) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,341
VBIZF Ord/Viva Biotech Holdings N/A Biotechnology $ 0
VCEL Vericel Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 2,836,604,260
VCNX Com Par $0.0001/Vaccinex Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 9,594,260
VCYT Veracyte Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,349,550,000
VDQSF Gnomestar Craft Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VDRM ViaDerma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,225
VERA Cl A/Vera Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,789,378,150
VERU Veru Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 105,791,717
VERV Verve Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 483,431,440
VETOF Vetoquinol N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VGLS VG Life Sciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 5,394
VIAP VIA Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 21
VIBED Vibe Growth Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VIBEF Vibe Growth Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VIBI Vilacto Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 213,702
VICFF Vice Health And Wellness Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VICP Vicapsys Life Sciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 32
VIGL Vigil Neuroscience Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 81,349,210
VINC Vincerx Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,409,196
VIR Vir Biotechnology Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,026,014,000
VIRI Virios Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 4,301,250
VIRX Viracta Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,056,109
VIVK Com Par $0.001 (New)/Vivakor Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 46,417,076
VIVKD Com Par $0.001 (New)/Vivakor Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 46,417,076
VIVXF Avivagen Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,908
VKSKF Vital KSK Holdings, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VKTX Viking Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 524,102,320
VNDA Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 268,799,880
VODG Vitro Diagnostics, Inc. N/A Biotechnology $ 8,054,840
VOQP VioQuest Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5
VOR Vor Biopharma Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 68,069,669
VPHIF Cl A/Valeo Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,829,338
VRAX Ord (New)/Virax Biolabs Group Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 1,785,090
VRBCF Ste Virbac S.A. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VRCA Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 34,697,801
VRCI Verde Science Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 24
VRDN Viridian Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,413,952,050
VRNA ADR (Sponsored)/Verona Pharma Plc (Adderbury) N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VRNDF Delta 9 Cannabis Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 441,375
VRPX Virpax Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,955,200
VRTHD Veritas Pharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VRTHF Indigenous Bloom Hemp Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
VRTX Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 119,423,923,170
VSTM Verastem Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 199,391,360
VTGN Com Par $/VistaGen Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 67,658,490
VTRLY Vitrolife AB 0.47% Biotechnology $ 0
VTRS Viatris Inc 3.80% Pharmaceuticals $ 15,075,079,590
VTVT Cl A (New)/vTv Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 39,258,360
VTYX Ventyx Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 161,221,080
VVUS Vivus Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 8,335,422
VXLLF Vaxil Bio Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 371,512
VXRT Vaxart Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 134,668,160
VYGR Voyager Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 342,505,020
VYNE Com Par $/VYNE Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 37,762,560
VYNT Vyant Bio Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 1,215,992
WAT Waters Corp. N/A Biotechnology $ 22,459,565,760
WDDMF Entourage Health Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
WIBFF West Island Brands Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
WINT Com Par $0.001 (New) 2024/Windtree Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,177,066
WINTW Wt Exp 03/25/2026/Windtree Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
WLNSF Discover Wellness Solutions Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
WOPEY Heritage Cannabis Holdings Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 16,502
WPHM Winston Pharmaceuticals, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 77
WSLFF Decibel Cannabis Co Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 6,512,774
WSNAF Wesana Health Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology $ 0
WTKN Welltek, Inc. N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 5
WUHN Wuhan General Group China Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 34
WUXAY ADR/Wuxi AppTec Co Ltd 1.52% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
WUXIF Reg Shs H/Wuxi AppTec Co Ltd 1.86% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
WVE Ord/Wave Life Sciences Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,049,868,800
WWHC W World Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 240,800
WXIBF Shs New US $0.0000025/3/Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
WXXWY ADR/Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 0
XBIO Com Par $0.001 May 2023/Xenetic Biosciences Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 6,183,574
XBIT XBiotech Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 211,856,850
XCUR Com Par $0.0001/Exicure Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 37,597,320
XENE Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 3,053,412,000
XENO Xeno Transplants Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 4,036
XERS Xeris Biopharma Holdings Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 488,985,680
XFOR X4 Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 114,299,929
XFOWW X4 Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
XLO Xilio Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 42,586,510
XNCR Xencor, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 1,681,667,460
XOMA XOMA Royalty Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 319,908,450
XOMAO Depositary Sh Repstg 1/1000th Sh Ser B 8.375% Cumulative/XOMA Royalty Corp 2.05% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
XOMAP 8.625% Perp Pfd Ser A/XOMA Royalty Corp 2.12% Pharmaceuticals $ 0
XRTX Com Par $0.001/XORTX Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 14,132,440
XSNX NovAccess Global Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 557,163
XTLB ADR (Sponsored) (New) 2017/XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 608,400
YI ADS/111, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
YMAB Y-mAbs Therapeutics Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 422,360,270
YPHDF Ypsomed Holding AG, Burgdorf N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
YS LakeShore Biopharma Co., Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
YSBPW LakeShore Biopharma Co., Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
YTEN Com Par $0.01 April 2024/Yield10 Bioscience Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 263,540
ZBIO Zenas BioPharma Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 372,775,720
ZIMCF Zim Corp N/A Biotechnology $ 814
ZIOP ZIOPHARM Oncology Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 187,117,592
ZLAB ADR/Zai Lab Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ZLDAD Zelira Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ZLDAF Ord (New)/Zelira Therapeutics Ltd N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ZLDPF Ord/Zealand Pharma A/S N/A Biotechnology $ 0
ZLSCF Zyus Life Sciences Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 3,292,900
ZNTL Zentalis Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 220,208,850
ZOEIF Zoetic International Plc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 0
ZSAN Zosano Pharma Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 2,733,355
ZSANQ Com Par $0.001/Zosano Pharma Corp N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 980
ZTS Cl A/Zoetis Inc 0.97% Pharmaceuticals $ 80,388,579,700
ZURA Ord/Zura Bio Ltd N/A Biotechnology $ 148,870,320
ZVRA Zevra Therapeutics, Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 452,628,480
ZVSA Com Par $0.001/ZyVersa Therapeutics Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 2,461,669
ZYME Zymeworks Inc N/A Biotechnology $ 866,485,240
ZYNE Zynerba Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Pharmaceuticals $ 70,120,700
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