Kayne Anderson MLP Investment 3.50% Mandatory Redeemable Preferred Stock (Monthly)
By: Tim McPartland,
IPO 03/28/2013 ($25/Sh) 4,400,000 Sh 600,000 Over Allotment Sh
S&P Rating NR Moodys Rating NR
Security Ticker Symbol KYN-F
Market Traded ON NYSE
Dividend Payment Paid on the 1st business day of Each Month beginning on 5/01/2013
Monthly Dividend .073 Annual Dividend .875
Shares are Redeemable as follows—
If redeemed after 4/14/2014 but on or before 04/14/2015 redemption price is 101% of $25 plus acrrued dividends
If redeemed after 4/14/2015 but on or before 04/14/2016 redemption price is 100.5% of $25 plus acrrued dividends
If redeemed after 04/14/2016 redemption is at 100% of $25 plus acrrued dividends
Dividend Payment Will Likely be Qualified Distributions
Required Redemption 4/15/2020
Company Investor Relations Page for Kayne Anderson
Below you can find the offering Prospectus and Final Pricing Document
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