Warren Buffett’s Top 10 Dividend Stocks
By: Ned Piplovic,

10. Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG)
While only the 10th-highest dividend yield in the current Berkshire Hathaway portfolio, this is the quintessential dividend income stock. The dividend has been rising for six decades and has increased 873% since 1993 from $0.069 a quarter to its current $0.67.
After dropping 27 percent between December 2014 and September 2015, the stock has recovered most of that loss. It closed at $89.75 on September 30. 2016, which is only 4 percent short off the all-time high.
Below is a summary chart comparing the top ten stocks and indicating the weighted average dividend yield of 3.56 percent (red line) and the complete list of all 31 Berkshire Hathaway’s dividend-paying holdings is next.